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Everything posted by worldwideparts

  1. That's a great start, let's all get the word out to everyone who cares, the more responses the stronger likelihood of success. Rob.
  2. Hi Everyone, I'm new to this forum, but read this thread with interest. I know a guy who is a member of the Performance, Racing and Tuning Council, a division of the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association and he sent me this below email this morning! Looks likely finally someone is doing something in WA about this crazy system. I'm not against emission testing as such, not it should be done right, not like it is now! We should all take their advice and write to the Minister. Remember keep it clean and don't get abusive, just remind Minister O'Brien that we all vote, and drive & love our cars and this system is wrong, not to mention a ridiculous monopoly! Please everyone write! Thanks much! Rob Dear Member, I'm writing to update you all on developments in Western Australia relating to the April announcement of immediate emission testing requirements. In construction of this policy there was no industry consultation, no discussion with the manufacturers or the services that fit aftermarket automotive components to vehicles. Please click on the following link for a copy of the policy: http://www.dpi.wa.gov.au/mediaFiles/lic_IB...on_Testing_[/u]Light_Vehicles.pdf. We sent a detailed letter in late May following a significant response from members which highlighted a range of concerns, a number of which are outlined below. Firstly we have many practical, commercial and technical concerns about the Bulletin - and that it is not reasonable to issue mandatory requirements that carry ambiguous terms without definition, which do not provide any clear direction to drivers or to the technical staff installing aftermarket parts. A further concern is that from 1st August 2009 replacing the exhaust system with an OEM equivalent part, rather than the OE supplied part will also require IM240 testing. This is an unnecessary and onerous regulation that will increase the cost to drivers if they do not purchase a part manufactured from the original vehicle parts supplier. This is also in clear breach of guidelines issued by the ACCC in 2005 regarding the use of OE or equivalent parts for vehicle maintenance. DPI WA have also installed just one testing station their state, causing a multitude of issues. This facility is not run by the government, and the price of the test is now likely to rise due to demand and the monopoly position this company now holds. To introduce a new standard that mandates testing with only one provider is irresponsible, it will result in delays and costs to the consumer for an unnecessary testing procedure. In our view these are the obvious and likely outcomes of this irresponsible policy: * Consumers and their service suppliers will be unsure of which modifications will now require a test, * The cost and wait time for the test will rise due to the monopoly position of the tester, * The price of an OEM catalytic converter will rise significantly as consumers are no longer allowed to use an OEM equivalent product, * Australian companies producing import replacement parts will experience a drop in aftermarket sales if they were not the company that originally supplied the vehicle manufacturer. Following the receipt of our letter, the Minister's office replied with the attached response. We find the response to be both insulting and showing a complete misunderstanding of the size and scope of the industry and this issue. We now have two forms of response to this letter. This afternoon we have sent a formal response to the Minister's Office which is attached this email. However based on our recent experience in NSW where through active industry and driver advocacy the Minister was compelled to meet with industry and subsequently rescind a departmental regulation until industry consultation could be initiated. This is where we NEED your help. We need to show the Minister's Office that this issue is significant not only for the industry but for all vehicle owners. We ask that all correspondence regarding this issue be directed to the Minister's Office and you ask ALL concerned customers to do the same. The Minister's details are below: Hon. Simon O'Brien MLC Minister for Transport; Disability Services 13th Floor, Dumas House 2 Havelock Street WEST PERTH WA WA 6005 Ph: (08) 9213 6400 Fax: (08) 9213 6401 Email: [email protected] This form of active lobbying allowed the industry to gain a significant policy shift in NSW, we now need to mobilise our peers within industry, but most importantly your customers, the drivers. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact myself or any of the team at the AAAA. Kind Regards, Stuart Charity Executive Director Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association Suite 5, 622 Ferntree Gully Rd Mulgrave VIC 3170 Australia
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