Tas, your response humours me.
I am actually quite shocked that you decided to pick on this comment.
The fact of the matter is that my comment was nothing special or out of the ordinary for this thread - as often we take the piss out of each other. Everyone dishes it out, everyone cops it.
As for the "PCE matter" being between just you and myself, and no one else - I strongly disagree.
I feel this is incorrect as you have had a hand in a number of our cars, to name a few, adam's, john's, jason's, your r32 and 86 and of course my 180, and to be fair, none of these "hands" have reflected in a positive way for yourself or your business.
And as a result, I feel that the issue isnt just between you and me.
Its just that I was the first, was one of your closer friends at the time, was your biggest supporter and was the worst stung.
I have nothing to say to you, the past speaks for itself.
Your actions speak louder than your apologies/excuses/reasons/bullshit ever could. If you ever wanted your actions to speak, you'd make it right - however I highly doubt this occuring.
I think I have delt this this situation as maturely as I possibly could, and expect the same courtesy in return.