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Everything posted by astrotristan

  1. sweet vid showing some badass footwork, sick sick heel toes *fap fap fap
  2. aah i see i see, but the question is: is she as toight as a tiger?
  3. we bring the lolz very lucky indeed brandon, ive seen this shit - for real
  4. i just caught geoff eye f**king the shit outa me in the indro food court sucks i only caught you at the end of my break bro.. coulda been... umm... sexy?
  5. lol i see what you did there DOUBLE MEANING sneeky sneeky
  6. fffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  7. from my experience working with guys on international licenses, i believe you have a 3month grace period to roll it over, however apparently its as simple as filling out a form at Queensland transport as for when the 3month period starts i'm not sure sorry, and whether you go onto P laws or open laws i am unsure also give qld transport a call thats my 2cents
  8. i loled yep, i wouldnt do it, especially on a brand new turbo - if it was the stock turbz and i was looking to upgrade in the near future i'd be more inclined to block it off and what turbo are you running?
  9. oh man thats brutal when i went past the royal womans hospital it went from 3 lanes to 1 HATE roadworks lol i merged onto the riverside expressway at like 930 last night and i saw this white boat, so i sailed on over to it, yelled "ahoy" then followed its stern for about 2 nautical miles, unfortunately at an average speed of just 5knots due to teh f**king roadworks ugh
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