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Everything posted by astrotristan

  1. wow wtf happened? how'd you get these pics josh? and for old times sake (because im not on my computer at home) post up a pic of the glory days
  2. in that case ill stop low balling and settle
  3. i think i missed the pics of its current condition.. would you care to repost for me
  4. i think they f**ked up man, ash knows his shit call them
  5. no name, good condition neg secret!
  6. josh what would you pay for a pillar mount for 2 gauges? (i need to justify my lowish ball on ns)
  7. f**k was i that obvious?
  8. although selling yourself could involve your crack..
  9. and no that doesnt include crack ...or yourself
  10. sold anything today josh?
  11. yeh agreed with the exhaust - i discovered (unfortunately) that if the front and dump pipe is fitted correctly it sounds far less like a tractor lol should be exciting once the tune is finished
  12. ps anna how long til your weapon is running all nice and sexy again?
  13. yeh its not cheap however it is better than sweating it out in the middle of the day.. unless that sweating is with josh, naked
  14. upsetting to see this mate, ive always heard good things about powertune maybe you should take on the info richard and ash are saying and give them a call and ask some questions, and try to get some answers and hopefully a re-tune/refund/etc.. also, keep your eye out for an rb25 turbo, a nice bang for buck upgrade for the rb20
  15. i guess at 11 you're not really into redtube are you.. you are 11 right?
  16. oh f**k, i must have sent my redtube link to martin ooops
  17. so im work now am i... thanks douchebag
  18. +1 on date of cruise thingy mate pm ZENNON - hes got his shit down
  19. thats the one thing im loving about driving my bros are around atm - epic air con except now i want to fix the 180s air con but have limited $$ oh and, good morning!
  20. thats cruel, go all the way out to boombra and no tigs
  21. oh hai bitches, buttsecks? and hells yeh for yo appartment
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