so i was changing a set of plugs the other day, and came across a couple of wires which were soldered onto the coilpack loom wiring, one of them was just before the igniter pack, and the other was at the plug on the end of the coilpack loom, attatched to the loop of wire which hangs out of it.
both of these wires were barely holding on, one was holding by a single strand.
i'm guessing these wires were for the ecu, as they surely weren't standard.
i got a new coilpack loom from nissan (one had snapped off at the plug and couldnt be resoldered on) and resolderd the two wires into the new loom.
after driving it didnt missfire and ran well, but still showed the signs of fouling the plugs again (stalled after overfuelling, which it still usually starts after some cranking but is the sign that the plugs need to be changed).
havent had a chance to check plugs yet.
could the cause of the overfuelling be because the car was tuned with the missfire,and now that it dosent missfire??
or should i still pull injectors and get flowed, how much does this cost?
is it worthwhile buying a new set??