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Everything posted by pentae

  1. pentae

    GTR in GT4?

    What would we do without you Rezz?
  2. Hey guys, sent my VIA form out on the 29th of November (Monday), and $50 was debited from my account today on the 2nd! (Thursday) Holy Crap! I guess slipping that bribe money in there paid off! j/k
  3. would also like to point out that the rx8 is hideously ugly
  4. I would also check out the ozdrive forums.. http://www.ozdrive.org/ This group/body was set up specifically to try and stop laws like these from happening.
  5. is this spam? I dont trust any company that isnt even listed in the whitepages mate edit: strutto.. lol
  6. Moral of this story: I wish my car was on a boat. For those of you who HAVE been confirmed that their car made it onto a ship, on what date did you finalise payment for your car, and what port was it sent from?
  7. if its an r33 gtst, buy privately.. theres millions for sale and they cost about the same as importing.. if its a GTR, well then thats another story.
  8. Mark: Thanks mate!! I saw your gunmetal grey one when I was shopping as well but have always had my heart set on a black one. You can always get a respray Phatr32: Nice looking car! its got tinted blue lights as well.. I wonder how they did that... Well guys at least while we're waiting for our cars we have SAU to keep us occupied!
  9. the interior is a show car interior.. looks amazing but very unpractical.. and i bet its a bitch to keep clean...
  10. that car is putting out a pretty pathetic amount of horse power considering how pumped the guy is about it..
  11. Keithy George: The best thing to do is go to an import yard with you WRX that you know has a GTR. Drive right up into the lot so they can see what you are driving. Walk straight up to a salesperson, dont bother looking at the cars.. introduce yourself professionally and say that you've read a few magazines and it seems like the GTR is a lot better than the WRX you are driving, and could he tell you more about the GTR. Let the sales person waffle on about how great they are for a while and pretend as though you know about 50% less than you actually and sound impressed. Let him take you for a test drive in one of the cars and see what you think. Don't buy the car or let the sales person convince you to put down a deposit on the day. An even better alternative to this would be to find someone on SAU with a GTR who lives near you who can take you for a spin in their car so you can feel the difference from the passenger seat.. probably not as good as being able to drive a GTR but a far less pressued environment Once you've done this go to www.j-spec.com.au and www.prestigemotorsport.com.au and contact the import brokers about the costs of importing a similar car. And hey presto you can work it out for yourself I would never buy a car locally but thats just me.. i'd rather wait a few months to save a few grand. However there are certainly circumstances where buying a car locally (and paying a bit extra) is a much better alternative. At this point probably the smartest thing you can do is buy a 94 model r32 GTR in Japan from auction while they are going relatively cheap compared to say, 89/90 models.. and just wait until next year when your allowed to bring them in under SEVS. It it will be a long wait but you will probably save about 10 grand Good luck.
  12. siksII: Yeah, fair enough.. It gets to the point where you just dont know who to trust these days.. for every good mechanic theres about 9 dodgy ones. In my recent experience i'm getting to the point where i'd rather pay an extra $10-20 an hour on labour knowing the job is going to be done properly the first time.
  13. Andymac: Theres a reason the GTR has street cred. And the absolute last reason I own a GTR is for lame 'street cred'. If you want street cred in Australia, buy a HSV GTO, Monaro, FPV Typhoon.. those will get you WAY more street cred and pedestrians eyeing you off than a GTR will.
  14. boosted: That sucks. The mechanic who changed the timing belt, was he the same guy who did the rebuild? Sounds like your going to an incompetent mechanic, as opposed to it being the cars fault.. only issue with that is a GTR is a lot more expensive to make an error on. Surely the mechanic that screwed up the timing belt change was liable for the damage in some way? Mental note: Take GTR to the best import mechanic in qld for timing belt change.....
  15. LOL leave the poor guy alone.. he's put a lot of effort into it
  16. z3n2k & cowie165: My 'R is also waiting at Kawasaki docks.. I hope it gets put on a ship soon.. :| http://www.prestigemotorsport.com.au/?/au/...sp?StockID=2654 I sent my import approval documentation yesterday.
  17. boostedrb26: how did you manage to blow your engine not once, but twice? what mods + boost are you running? *concerned r32 gtr owner*
  18. skyline^master: I agree that it looks more modern, and I am happy for nissan to lose its 'datsun' look, but I dont think the new GTR looks muscular enough. Take one look at the new Ford GT40.. thats a modern looking muscle car. Giving the GTR more styling finesse is definately going to appeal to more people, but I love the GTRs "Jap Muscle Car" look. I just hope they give it more guts in the styling department.. Its obvious that the new Nissan are trying to make the GTR LOOK like every other "super car" out there, and go up against Porsche. This to me indicates that we will probably be paying closer to porsche money, I predict the new GTR is going to be priced quite a lot closer towards the $200,000 mark.
  19. If you dont want to accept that there is a risk you might die every time you step into a car, WALK to work.
  20. electric cars are the future.. once most of chinas population is driving cars in about 5-10 years and have more people buying petrol than the americans, petrol bowsers are going to be a thing of the past as soon as the oil prices triple, which will mean a direct translation to the petrol pump. I bitch about $60 to fill my tank now.. in 10 years it wont suprise me if we're looking at $150-$180 for the same tank. My GTR truly will be a weekend car, and 5 years later be old enough to qualify as a classic car Assuming I still have it by then..
  21. A 15 year old female passenger.. thats the icing. makes me want to cry This entire incident should be a big wake up call and remind all of us the enormous responsibility that comes with owning any performance car, not just a skyline. I am sure the Father is wishing he never let his son drive the car, but it's something that is entirely out of his control and I send my condolances and prayers. My heart goes out to the victims families and friends.
  22. Spot the difference on the bum.. Looks like Nissan are taking a card from Lexus's book too now..
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