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Everything posted by pentae

  1. Well what can I say.. the front is too busy, the rear has no big stinkin' GTR badge, the rear tail lights need to be improved and the car needs to look less like a 350z/audi TT on roids. Rezz:, I read in the November edition of Wheels that Nissan & other car manufacturers in Japan have lobbied to have the 'gentlemens agreement' power restriction removed. Their argument was that it makes them less competitive against other car manufacturers on a global market. (Mainly against porsche etc I would imagine) This is probably another good indication that the GTR is soon to come, and that it will be sold globally.. And as the others asked, what are japanese GTR enthusiasts saying about it? ps. I noticed that underneath the front headlights there are air vents/scoops.. surely they wont release the car like that?
  2. Mr r32: stop your sooking... you saved 10k by having to put up with the wait. With the money you save by importing it yourself (as opposed to buying here locally) you could buy a very decent runabout to get yourself around in until the gtr arrives.
  3. cant get that link to download mate can anyone else?
  4. Model: r32 gtr Age: 22 Race: Aussie Occupation: Web Developer
  5. Glad to see this is where my $6380 tax payout on top of my PAYG this year went to work. Nice one coppers, glad to see your taking the 'to serve and protect' thing pretty seriously.
  6. 3 is awesome. its like a modern beige colour you see on a lot of newer cars.. class.
  7. My car is at Yokahoma docks and I get the impression from prestige that theres a longg waiting list I'm finding out from prestige how much extra it will cost on top of normal shipping costs for a container, and how much quicker this will speed things up...
  8. Its sad to see the pride and joy go. Especially when there was nothing wrong with it
  9. Yotis: read it. I dont have time to DIY, and want to know where I can get the best price
  10. Anyone with a 15 year old r32 GTR had their car complianced in brisbane or at the gold coast.. how much did it cost and how close to stock standard was the car before compliance?
  11. heres a better link: http://www.ja-gps.com.au/carminder_index.html
  12. I did a search and theres been a few threads of this particular GSM tracking device, but cant find anyone who actually owns one and what their opinion is about it. For $695 it seems pretty decent, with no ongoing monitoring fees http://www.carminder.com.au/ So anyone got one on their car? How does it compare in price to say, the brant car alarm.. which would obviously also come with all the features of a car alarm as well. Are quicktrack out of business? Is there a meaning to any of this?
  13. Nice car. Worth about 16-17 I'm having the same problem selling my Pulsar GTIR. its in great condition and cheap as chips ($15k) and I just cant sell the bloody thing. The prepurchase inspections have come back with no problems-the used car market is screwed.
  14. I dont mean to hijack the thread or anything, but instead of starting another one about compliance centers in brisbane i'm sure if ANYONE in either gold coast or brisbane has had their r32 gtr complianced under 15yo rule, how much did it cost you and what needed to be done? My GTR is completely stock standard, stock muffler etc. I have a local muffler guy who will swap the cat to a new one virtually for free, but if its the stock cat do you still have to change it?
  15. i think most of these 'slimline ps2' wives tales are made up by people who are living in the dark ages with the chunky ps2. They have ps2 size envy. "Mines smaller than yours"
  16. Hi matt, Congratulations on your choice of vehicle. My advice is that if you can afford to buy one of these cars there is absolutely nothing in the same price range that comes close to the driving experience that one of these can offer. 1. what sort of price will i be looking at if fairly stock and already in Aus? For a car thats already delivered in Australia you are looking at anywhere between $75,000 and $85,000. The reality is many prestige car places and private owners advertise these cars anywhere between 85 and 95, but they end up selling for between 75 and 85. Dont pay more than 85 for a stock example. My advice to you would be to spend a bit of time finding a supplier that will charge you a flat fee of a few grand to bring a vehicle in for you, where you sign the deal, pay a deposit, supplier brings in the car for you under your specification. This way you get to get the vehicle checked out and test drive the car before buying, and if you decide not to go for it the supplier will just throw it in a random car yard and give you your deposit back. Its very good being able to specify what colour you want, condition etc. And the supplier will locate one for you from the auctions in Japan. You will save anywhere from $5-$15k doing it this way. (Read: You will get one landed for $68k - $73k) theres the same amount of risk involved as sourcing one already in the country. The only downside is the entire process will take around 2 months before you get to see your car. 2. Can this be an every day driver if not too heavily modded? Absolutely, these cars are the closest supercar you will find that you can get away with filling the boot and back seat with groceries. 3. Are they reliable if looked after? Once again, Absolutely. With proper servicing and maintenance with a workshop that knows anything about these cars they will be as reliable, if not more reliable than your STI. I have seen 15 year old GTR's that have been abused, neglected and downright punished that still drive like monsters every single day. 4. How will a fairly stock R34 GTR perform against my 03 STI with 300kw at flywheel? By saying fairly stock I assume you mean with a basic exhaust system, as the stock exhaust system basically suffocates the awesome amounts of performance that the RB26DETT puts out. They where designed with aftermarket bolt ons in mind.. A completely stock R34 GTR with stock exhaust does about a 12.9 quarter mile. Shave off a few fractions of a second once you add the obvious exhaust system and boost increases. I am not sure how quick an STI with 300kw at the fly would go in comparison, but I know which car I would rather drive anywhere. The difference is the GTR's ATTESA-ETS is one of the best 4wd systems found on a performance car in the world, and offers one of the most thoroughly enjoyable steers you will ever have Good luck!
  17. great thread I agree.. saving money and being a scrooge is not going to make you happy. Its the things you do with your life that will make you happy. I agree that you should enjoy cars like these particularly in your youngers years. Your also more likely to have similar minded friends at a younger age.. once you start getting over 25 most of your friends will start settling down and having families and they are more concerned about which private school they are going to send their kids to than what their next mod or set of wheels is going to be. One of the greatest enjoyments I get from owning a great car is not only the gratification when I step behind the wheel, but sharing the experience with my friends and others around me. In regards to not buying a house, I disagree. I always promised myself and my parents I would buy at least one property before buying a $20k+ sports car, so I drove s13s until I bought my first two properties, which I have done, and my r32 GTR is on the boat as we speak. I was lucky enough to buy just before a rise in property values, and now I could afford an R34 GTR. Without investing this would not be an available option. Its nice to know that you can. But once again, I would be stretching myself way too far, so once I have more assets to balance out my liabilities, I will be doing the upgrade. The reason you see a lot of people driving camries at 30 is because they spent absolutely every last cent in the earlier part of their life on going out partying, cars, women, and without investing or saving they couldnt afford a better car if they wanted one. If you are serious about your hobby you need to spend some serious time thinking about how your going to afford it
  18. I had an s13 sr20det that was black, lowered on stock wheels, dewinged + debadged. Everyone thought it looked and went way better than any r33 boat. Its personal opinion. Some silvias might look better than your boat, your boat might look better than most silvias.. because lets face it.. they cost less to buy so their owners cant usually afford to make them look good.
  19. The original ps2 had 3 months, the new pstwo has 12 months. I have owned my pstwo since the day GTA: San Andreas came out and its been on 24/7 and hasnt missed a beat. I am in love with it.
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