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Everything posted by pentae

  1. Actually predator is a shit hot web designer. And so am I, actually. I have already created a free online automotive parts classifieds site called easyautobits. It was free, looked hot, was specifically for cars, was promoted through all the forums and was a flop. Try something else.
  2. Bekky is on the money, being under 25 and asking for a test drive of any high performance car (particularly from a dealer) is a nightmare. But if your selling, and they believe they deserve a test drive, you deserve to at least know if they've brought a deposit. I prefer to take them for a drive in the car, maybe even scare them a little (feel them out first) by showing them what your car can do, after all, you've got years of experience driving it compared to them.. then if they ask to have a drive ask them if they've brought a deposit with them and are they prepared to buy today if they like the car. Explain that you've had lots of test pilots and telling them a few stories about previous test drive nightmares you've had might stop them from driving like an idiot once they do get behind the wheel. I also like to say "Mate you can drive it as hard as you like once its yours, but I've treated this car with respect the whole time I've owned it." If they dont agree with that tell them to take a walk. If your buying from a dealer, go to the ATM, take out $1k.. then when you think theres a good chance you might buy the car if it drives well, take it out and wave it in their face, hand them your license and say "I hate screwing around let me drive it, if I like how it drives, and my mechanic say theres nothing seriously wrong with it, you've got a deal"
  3. I was actually thinking of getting the sunroof from a gts-t and getting a professional installation on my GTR. Would be pretty cool, but imagine what you could do with that $2k on performance mods.. mmmm.....
  4. I'm amazed nobody has compared the interiors yet
  5. The GTSR badges are for homosexuals. I'd buy the Chaser
  6. If anyones seen Duece Bigalow.. THATS A HUUUGE BITCH! three of them even..
  7. Lucien, not a truer word was spoken. Do what makes you happy!
  8. *waits for someone to say "if you are concerned about saving money on fuel, DONT buy a GTR!"*
  9. I think its invasive and offensive. It this kind of behaviour that creates public resentment towards the Authorities. I cant say it suprises me a great deal, our Police force loves to stomp on our civil liberties. Oh thats right, as soon as we step into our own vehicle that we've paid for with blood sweat and tears, and drive out onto the roads that we have also paid for through our tax dollars with blood sweat and tears, our rights and liberties are non existant. This is why they can legally search our cars, they can accuse us of any road related infringement and its "Guilty until proven innocent". OH Crap I forgot, we have no rights in this country! And apparantly no Privacy anymore either. And now motoring enthusiasts are not allowed to meet together and share their appreciation for their vehicles without being spied on and followed around like terrorism scum. It makes me hate our Authorities and resent my Country. Why is it like this? Wheres the Anarchy? The Brits blow up speed cameras because the public disagrees.. what do the Aussies do? What we do best of course! NOTHING. SHE WONT BE RIGHT, MATES. :uzi: Heres a big loving F*CK YOU to the Australian Police Force. Thats right, F*CK You, you motherf*cking C*NTS. I F*CKING hate you and wish you all the best in getting yelled at by pissed off motorists. Get F*CKED. Damn that felt good!
  10. Thats all good, but not posting your mods under an alias on the internet is borderline mentally retarded. So your point is?
  11. People are so paranoid and afraid, I wish they would grow up and stop being such babies "Oh my god dude the cops might read the forum and hear about what mods I have" .. I can not tell you how stupid that sounds. I would hate to live my life in fear! So with that said, what mods are you running to get 300rwkw?
  12. Bazelinez, Please sell the r32 and buy a v8 ??
  13. Rezz is also a moderator and a very appreciated contributor to the board. So maybe its usherly who is the DIPSHIT who is asking to be banned? :uh-huh:
  14. GTST: PicsofWangorBan :uh-huh:
  15. When the engine shuts off (in any car) the whole car vibrates, so whatever is metal near metal is causing the noise. I wouldnt worry about it. Because one of my cv joints has collapsed and you can hear the metal scraping the metal on some bumps (sounds similar) my theory is its my CV Joints. I'm getting them replaced soon and we'll see.
  16. You'd have to be mentally retarded not to buy this car at this price. I guess people would rather buy a thrashed '92 model instead?
  17. Just in front of the rear wheel theres a peice of steel that rounds out with a bolt in the center. From what I can see its the most logical thing for the jack to slide into given the shape of the top of the jack from the toolbox in the back. It seems like the right spot but i'm not sure. And my gf has my digicam! But I get it back tmrw
  18. Yeah I just bent my chassis rail a bit doign a preliminary jack .. Sorry to sound like a newb, but what are the orange things that come in the toolkit (I have a GTR but i imagine it would be the same for all r32s).. are these used for spreading the load for the jack? I have to jack up the rear of my car (just one side) and the diagram in the instruction manual doesnt really show anything, and the instructions dont specifically say where to jack it?
  19. I hate haters
  20. This r33 is a very nice example of a modified car that has also been looked after. Free bump.
  21. I'd get the hoses done, the belts.. dont ever believe the km's.. and cv joints, shocks..
  22. arkon: the car in question is a GTS not a gts-t.
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