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Everything posted by itshimdazza

  1. Guys , While driving home from work after 1/2 hour of driving i pulled up to the lights near my house and I caught a flash of red (oil lamp) for a split second (less than). I got home and checked the oil and noticed that the last 3 or so mm of the dipstick were wet and I wondered where has the oil gone as I havnt seen any smoke or oil leaks..... I then checked the hoses and found that from the boost controller the thin rubber holes had spli and come off which connects to the intercooler pipe. There was residue of oil but it didnt look like much on the power steering bottle and side fender (inside engine bay). I have since cut the split part of the hose and cabled tied it back on (is it ok with a cable tie?) Now i have noticed that the boost gauge was slightly higher so woul this allow it to boost higher? I only had crap mineral oil left at home for the old hyundai so i poured this in expecting to get some better synthetic oil at the end of the week. Is it ok to use this oil until friday when i can get it and flush the system out or not? Cheers & thanks, Darren
  2. Are there any more spots? I have never been to one of these so what the procedure/format of these event? Do your cars have to be modified or anything or just anyone with preferably skylines involved? Age limit? (lol) I am an oldie (45) Regards Dazza
  3. I have the same pipes and only could put the airbox in. I came up with an idea of cutting/slicing the corner out so it didnt hit the pipe. I have since modded the snorkle now and after cutting the pipe i used aluminium flashing (get it from bunnings in a roll) and glued it onto the snorkle and because its soft (bend from hand) you can mould it to be concave and the curve of the pipe fits in nicely now.Just painted it all matt black and you cant tell. It does remove some airflow but at least its cold and looks really good (i think anyway) Have a look (beats sucking inhot air from turbo & manifold with the pod i had... Regards, Dazza
  4. Thanks guys. I will give the cust & polish a go first & then report back to you with the results. Its just a pitty that ther are people with no respect for other peoples property now adays...
  5. already did...., $500 dollars excess. Some parts arent too deep but I am not painter so who knows whether its will cut out or not.. uploaded 2 phone pic's ,not really that good as was dark in the garage... Dazza
  6. itshimdazza


    Well some low life just happend to walk past my car with a key sticking out and keyed the passenger side from front to rear. Gee am I pissed off at all these DH's that have nothing better to do. Wonder how Shannons will take this? or whould it be cheaper for me to get someone to do the repairs?
  7. have you guys got the addresses of these united petrol stations? I am curious to try this Regards, Dazza
  8. Yeah, I thought about this but its going to be hard to back up something that is 2nd hand and i dont have a receipt.... May have to bite the bullet & get a new headunit down the track if i cant sort this crap out next week.. Cheers for your advice though
  9. Its a Clarion double din model# WXZ466MP...
  10. Guys i bought a 2nd hand 6cd/mp3 head unit of another member in this forum a couplte of months ago awith the intentions of installing it straight away but unfortunately had engine woes and it went on the back burner. Anyway i finally got motivated to install it as its a double din and I had to move quite a bit of other stuff around to fit it. Upon firing it up its asking for a 4 digit security code. Is there anyway of getting this if i have the model numer or am i stuffed. I have tried Pm'ing the forum member buts its the xams/new year time of year and who knows when he will(if) reply back.. Cheers guys and have a save & great new years.. Regards, Darren
  11. This is all very interesting... My netgear wirless modem router/hub played up last night and wouldnt connect to adsl 2+ and after much frustration i relented and got out the original Telstra supplied speedtouch 4200 and bypassed the modem and eventually it work . But before switching over to it i rang bigpond and they tested the line and so forth and i told them that i havnt been happy for months as my line speed was about 8000 (this had droped from about 11000)... They tech guy said that i was adsl1 and i said hang on no I am not (the line speeds sugest this though) so he connected me to the billing area and eventually i was told that my profile was reduced/changes back in June?? WTF i said so now they tell me this may take up to a week to change and wanted me to pay 99 dollars for the wireless gateway modem router. I told him that i have worked for the company (telstra) for over 25 years and I was definately not paying for someone elses fault and that they should send me this gateway. So they are going to ... Now i will go them for the decrease in speed for over 6 months and see what deal can be had maybe threaten them with the Ombudmans Just goes to show that you have to keep tabs on these sorts of things guys. Regards, Dazza
  12. Well us old folk (over 40's) are going to Absolute 80's (remember uncanny Xmen, well maybe not?lol) at the Sandbelt, getting wasted and crashing there for the night all you can dring beer, wine & basic spirits for $50 extra (good deal)
  13. So did this take place or what? I must of missed somthing as it was being organised then nothing??? Let us know what the go with it....
  14. Hey has anyone got any pics of this relay? as I have an 96 GTST with the ABS light on and its realy starting to piss me off? I know its an old thread but surely someone out there would of done this check surely?? Regards, Draren
  15. I have a dual stage boost contoller in mine with 7psi & 17psi for the exact reason as you want but its not needed as everyone has said before me. tunes it as high as you can go with boost/economy and use your right foot as the tuner. i learnt the hard way as my switch is alway set to high now... Dazza
  16. Hey Scott PM sent.
  17. man, For about $8 bucks I should give this a go. Gotta get a hoist and a couple of stongs mates over... Ps: I have have sent sms to the guy who repaired my motor to see if covered by waranty and he said to bring it pass and he will consider/check depending on mods done since. (only coils) so maybe i will be in luck....?
  18. let us know how you go with getting yours done then? Dazza
  19. Guys how renowned are the rb25det from getting oil leaks? I appear to be leaking a few drops every time i pull up after driving for a while and appears to be from the rear seal.. Any ideas what cost would be involved in getting this fixed. I just havnt the skill/muscle to drop the box and do it myself. regards, Darren Ps: the motor was only rebuilt (stock) about 2000 kms ago, would a warranty cover this?
  20. Have you worked out the cost involved? Regards, dazza
  21. Nismoid, are you saying it could be an exhaust restriction ie: faulty cat etc? my tuner sugested it could be jumping to the knock table when it think its a knock but could be a false knockso the ecu pulls the timing which could be filtered?? This pretty much goes over my head unfortunately but i definately could do the exhaust and try a dyno with it out. I didnt see the car dynoed so i wasnt sure it represented it on the dyno or if its just appears on the road? Darren
  22. Guys, Just wondering whether you can help me find a solution as to why my car is strugeling when on WOT. The car has a 3" Exhaust, Yellow Jackets, Bosch 040, Highflow, new spark plugs & 300zx ecu tuned with Nistune. It goes fine from about 3000 until i get to about 5000-6000 RPM under full WOT it seems to back off then after goes flat outs again till the redline. this is on about 18-20 PSI.. Regards, Darren
  23. GL with the sale dude. I have a set now on my silver gtst r33. To be honest they look great. Dazza
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