Well Austrai and Australia are right next to each other in the droplist and believe it or not Austria also has 4 digit postcodes..Its not until the parcel gets to Austria that someone looks at the actual street address and realizes its in the wrong place. And considering 3 or more language changes have been done by then I would say yes its probably suite an easy mistake to make..
Also ETD or ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERY is exactly that, estimated. There is not many guarantees with the postal system only insurances..trucks crash, boats sink and planes fall out of the sky..
Look you are free to get on the internet and slander his business if you are not happy..But in doing so you also leave yourself open to the readers discression of whether or not your complaints are justified and I am not convinced yet that they are I'm sorry..
I for one received a great service and a quick look at his store tells me nearly 3000 others have as well..Its true nearly 1% have been dissatisfied, but one you take honest mistakes and troublemakers out of the equation it appears to me a good service is to be expected from them.What I don't understand is why you would choose to tell the world of the bad service you received, then still try to do business with him and expect a good result