I wouldn't be driving an ethanol car thats been siting that long without changing fluids..And any ethanol based high powered car should have its fluids and filters chaged more regularly than pulp cars, I know my fuel filters blocked up within 3000kms which is ridiculous...I've had fuel filters on pulp do 100,000kms+ on my work ute and still be fine...but for those of us interested in performance excessive maintenance is a given...
it seems to me Ethanol goes funny when left to sit, why im not 100% sure, I feel maybe it happens when mixed with condensation..
but here is the inside of my fuel rail after a few months of sitting around....
It had crystalized into a sugary substance that dissolves almost immediatly,,,but if this is in your fuel or oil and it was in my injectors...well it just makes me wonder..
I'd try not to leave it sitting to long anyway...I did leave it sit in my car for a over a month without starting at times and never had an issue though...well apart form blocked fuel filters and being hard to start sometimes, which i wonder if was due to this crystalization..
but it wouldn't hurt to just flush system with fuel if you are planning on leaving it sit for too long...and maybe a quick oil flush before you take it out for any hard driving,,
Better safe than sorry