I thought about this a while back. but truth is there isn't really any profit to be made from it as parts are already available to do it...
If you are really concerned yeah just tap a thread into the fuel rail you have and mount the fuel reg directly...unless you have the tooling, this will cost money...an aftermarket fuel reg is probably cheaper and easier...
the best bet would be to buy all parts needed in bulk, thus getting a discount and sell as a kit to make a small profit.
I beleive Scott even looked into making custom fuel rails but it wasn't worth the effort..ie time and money invested...there is plenty of players in the market already, so is it worth the effort? I doubt it as the 33 market is getting smaller and more stingy everyday...
I'm all for helping people out and all but there isn't much point doing it if there is no profit to be made...the parts are already readily available, all thats required is a little ingenuity , and stealth is pretty easily found with a can of satin black heatproof paint