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Everything posted by ARTZ

  1. yeah Im still not convinced fuel sharing a common rail at WOT is a good idea, i know fuel travels pretty damn fast under the pressure its at, so as these solenoids switch, one fuel will push the other out very quickly. But in saying that, I imagine you could gain a few thousand revs at least, in the time this took to happen..Even a momentry hiccup could be detrimental..really you would want some sort of octane sensor in the rail to be safe.. However a twin rail system each with its own dedicated tank/lines that switches to secondary injectors and maps at desired point I think would be much safer. Although it is somewhat more complex in design it would be much simpler in setup and usage.. I'm thinking I would just have the secondary tank setup with an arming switch as well so it wasnt always primed on start, gives you a safety net for rainy days etc...or if the tank runs empty before your primary tank. I'm actually quite warming to this^^^ idea .. though with 2 e85 outlets within a km of my house I know which path I'll be taking
  2. ok manifold vacumn would make sense... So is this 3/8 solenoid is on each end of the rail (inlet/outlet), or just on the return with twin entry rail still?
  3. He's afraid he will get Birdflu...
  4. Yeah by automated Trent do you mean it would switch fuels automatically at a desired rev point..? Cause I believe that is what NUR wad hoping to do..as apposed to just having a dash switch to change.. I'm just not sure automatically switching fuels in the rail mid rev is a great idea..however if you had twin rails and an ecu programmed to switch to secondary injectors at a desired revpoint or throttle position, would be much safer
  5. ...Am I the only one that sawatudundidthar ?? pulled up in front of UC the other day, was shitting bricks for a moment for obvious reasons...Luckily they werent so obvious to them...he went left, i went right, everybody goes home happy.. But there is seriously something going on, Must have got a bunch of new Ford diesels to go with their new recruits as they were everywhere in the S.E today, (monash.eastlink, dandy) and just about everytime I saw one it had somebody pulled up..
  6. There's at least 5 ford territory police cars thay have been trawling the monash all day..i suggest stay away or lay very Low...
  7. Also you mention emptying your fuel tail in 2 seconds ..I have a reasonably large twin entry rail and I'm pretty sure it would hold more than 60ml, intact I would guess at least twice that..Also a well sorted 1000 hp car at WOT is going to hit limiter in well under 2 seconds.. Sure it's a small margin for error, but it could be a really big error.. I don't know, I'm sure it could work but not sure I'd be comfortable using it automated unless it had twin dedicated fuel rails.. Or it would have to be a manual switching..This means you have switch it on in advance, which means you may as just get out and fill your tank with race fuel..I mean when have u ever needed an extra few hundred hp that quickly.
  8. Who the hell runs 91 octane in this day and age..its hardly goin to give you better economy ..
  9. Its plenty responsive, Scott showed me how it Zips around at light throttle.. just the driveline causes it to lag a bit ..
  10. True it is only a 3071, so I guess it's pretty much at its limit already, manifolds won't yield much benefit without more turbo..running the sugar juice is no doubt aiding alot in keeping it cool anyway.. So front mount twins it is then
  11. btw penrite hpr10 is group 4....as i said ,for 40$ you cant go wrong....lol
  12. ARTZ

    United 100 Octane

    should be fine...
  13. this, its 40$ a bottle you cant go wrong..
  14. 4.8lt ususally gets me to the hump almost...
  15. what gate is it?
  16. yeah its a nice little unit.. .. ^^^thats what i was thinking of doing..just wanted to make sure i wasnt going to get interferance through stereo or anything but should be Ok It was that or just splice into wires going by the ecu pinout.. the sensor just powers off the gauge...really need to get hold of a wiring diagram I could just hook into the headlights if I knew which bloody wire or fuse it was...
  17. no it all comes in a kit nothing else needed
  18. i got this one kasko...looks nice ,Bosch sensor.. http://goodiesdirect.com.au/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=563 Ok fellas cause im self confessed wiring retard, can some one gimma a clue to wire this thing up.. Got sensor all plugged in and all, just wondering about power, stereo power work or should I look elsewhere..also engine ground..can i ground this anywhere as well or does it have to be engine??
  19. haha. Ok .i forgot to watch the video...i see you are talking about 1000+hp street cars and yep all makes sense now...
  20. really, i just see an idea that while interesting in theory is self defeating in practice... i mean he complains about having to carry extra e85, but is prepared to add extra fuel tanks to carry race fuel which Im pretty sure is illegal anyway.. as for complex fuel systems, well a surge tank and larger lines is hardly complex and is nowhere near as complex as this crazy get up is going to be..to make it work would most definately need twin rails and twin injecotrs, otherwise by the time your fuel rail floods with the race fuel you want its already at 7000rpm and knockin its head off..add to that the weight of the system your running... i guess if you want a 1000hp street racer with good fuel economy there is some merit to be had here, otherwise it seems completely pointless Anyways, if you think it is worthwhile go for your life but personally i think it is MUCH easier to carry a few jerry cans of e85 in the boot
  21. ahh yes link seem to have been closed, pity but this is all i can offer you Marko was running a twin turbo V8 Keith black motor i think it was....
  22. cant really report on the economy, think i got about 3-350 off the last tank but its a rough tune still...idle is all over the shop....
  23. well I finally picked myself up a Depo gauge today...cause the blue lights match my stereo....lol wondering I if should wire it in to the ecu or not for adaptive learning...hear good and bad things about it...thoughts...??
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