So after an adjusment its half way there, cheers again to scottynm35 who pretty much cut it, welded it and filed it smooth in the time it took me to smoke a cigarette..
I reckon I may even be able to get my stock heatsheild to cover the dumps for some extra stealthishness..
also just incase anyone is interested in what comes in your Kinguwana kit, here it is,
minus the almost metre long oil line which is in my car already.
The oil drain is very small compared to stock, not exactly sure what I will do about that.. Also I was surprised there was no blank plugs in the oil and water holes on the turbo cartridge..maybe this is normal I dunno..
does anyone know what the little T-piece sitting near the copper washes is for..I assume its for a gauge sensor, but not sure how or where it would fit in with the kit