Firstly I would like to say thanx Toshi for your informative post and to JDM thanx for trying but sorry, car maintenance or not its still referred to in laymans terms as "TUNING".. Your average punter doesnt go in to a car workshop and say
" Hi, can you please change my oil and filters, check my timing and gap my plugs"
does he? He is more likely to go to a workshop and say
"Hi, can you service and tune my car"
He never asked about an intercooler and he also stated it was just for general purpose car so he probably isnt going to be driving it hard long enough to justify an intercooler I never really did and if I did it was at night when the air is cool and there is no traffic which is why I probably never had heat soak issues.alos noone has mentioned he should enclose his pod which would contribute to heatoak if not done..
. A couple of psi extra boost never hurts and I always change fuel pumps just cause the old ones are usually clapped out so I find it beneficial, though some may not agree..But many people I see spend up on intercoolers and such and totally neglect other parts of the car..
he also asked if changing to a pod would make noises and yes it would, now I apologize for my incorrect use of Homo terms such as dose and flutter but it will make a noise be it a whooossh or a tututu,, who really gives a rats ass they are generally stupid noises anyway unless the car is aweome..
Now I gave OP a simple answer to a simple question and if he walked into a workshop and asked for a tuneup they would know what he meant even if he didnt..but people in here it seems often like to assume others are not as smart or knowledgable as them and so they overcomplicate things to fuel their ego..
whos the knob who thought it was a good idea to revive this thread