Yeah that's about right...though I usually let colour dry for about half an hour only then clear...
I was told it gets a better bond to the colour this way..
I haven't painted a whole car before, but most panels I have done have been almost perfect straight out of the gun...You need your spray hun set up properly and you need good weather conditions...If these are right there is no reason it shouldn't be almost perfect without the need for much correction...
I use a 1.2 mm tip and just got some instructions for setting up the gun on Utube...and warm panels will take paint alot better than cold ones so warm them up.. I find about 30degree days to be best...use the sun heaters whatever..same with rattle can painting, always leave the can in the sun for half hour before you paint and you will find it comes out the can much cleaner and more uniform.....2-3 coats colour 5-10 minutes apart, 2-3 coats clear 30min later, wait a week and give it a quick wetrub with 2-3000 and if you laid the paint correctly it should be spot on...
The aim is to get the paint down good, not fix it later.