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Everything posted by ARTZ

  1. ^^ man I thought I got up early...its Sunday, dafuq is this...
  2. I really don't see what the big deal is about r35s anyway..expensive, not that fast and have a shitty turning circle..
  3. lol @ "the ironing"....
  4. links to acne cream thread please, I have some huge zitts I'd like to deal with
  5. Yeah my other car is done in 2 Pak...it has some mogul going as well.. its faint buts its there...all depends how keen your eye is sometimes
  6. Cant inbox you, says you cant receive messages...
  7. your car looks pretty good tho Mik... Whats a Mogul field? There's a really good video on gun setup I found...some real occer bloke...I did exactly as he said and nailed it first time....I have a feeling I had the same brand gun though, might of helped. But yeah I have a black 34 bonnet here I painted in the cold of winter, Im respraying it for him because despite heatlamps and lights going in the shed I think the cold weather has made the paint go all milky in spots....you cant see them here but they are there...this is only Acrylic I never buffed it properly because I knew I would respray it...gave it a quick buzz with a 2500 grit disc and FG500..Just enough to get through winter without too much embarrassment...
  8. Yeah that's about right...though I usually let colour dry for about half an hour only then clear... I was told it gets a better bond to the colour this way.. I haven't painted a whole car before, but most panels I have done have been almost perfect straight out of the gun...You need your spray hun set up properly and you need good weather conditions...If these are right there is no reason it shouldn't be almost perfect without the need for much correction... I use a 1.2 mm tip and just got some instructions for setting up the gun on Utube...and warm panels will take paint alot better than cold ones so warm them up.. I find about 30degree days to be best...use the sun heaters whatever..same with rattle can painting, always leave the can in the sun for half hour before you paint and you will find it comes out the can much cleaner and more uniform.....2-3 coats colour 5-10 minutes apart, 2-3 coats clear 30min later, wait a week and give it a quick wetrub with 2-3000 and if you laid the paint correctly it should be spot on... The aim is to get the paint down good, not fix it later.
  9. Never sand metallics...if you paint it right you shouldn't have orange peel anyway..well very little at least...and 5-6 coats is ridiculous...2-3 should be plenty
  10. you shouldn't wax fresh paint as It needs time for solvents to leech out...give it a few months before applyng a wax... sand disc could get online, but find an auto paint supplier in your area should have them DA. = dual action polisher...or random orbital...you probably used one to sand the car back.. Or did you do it all by hand
  11. you wont get orange peel out with a buff, you need to sand it out...whether or not you can sand it out all depends how thick you put the clear on... I would be sanding down to 2500 or even 3000 with black.....sanding by hand sucks balls, If you have an DA sander, go to paint shop and ask for the foam sanding discs in 1500-3000 and do it that way...they are magical megs 105 with a good wool pad should bring most of the Sanding marks out, only leavng you with some slight marring and maybe a few holograms, depending how good you are with a rotary... Then use a DA wth a finishing cut compound and a medium light foam pad and it should be almost perfect...
  12. yeah sounds like all your products are worng... give a list of what you're using.... Did you let the paint dry for a week or so...a couple of days at least
  13. c'mon surely Melbourne has more terrorists than sydney and brisbane the rest of Australia combined...or is the weather too cold here for the sand people
  14. I wonder if Moh got terror raided this morning
  15. why is it always the high reading dynos that are wrong....whos to say the low ones aren't wrong? thats my theory also my NPC lightened flywheel was great ,its more a midweight than a light though...definately helped it rev up into the zone quicker.,..just made the throttle feel lighter in general and the engine more lively
  16. I got an r200 diff here if anyone wants the thing...need it gone
  17. OP should kill himself... So no you should not get a dog because dead people don't make very good pet carers
  18. I head down warnambool a bit...will have to check it out... The cheese factory was a big disappointment..
  19. Scotts wagon has 18inch Nissan wheeels fit over those brakes...
  20. But it was f**king delicious...anyway I didn't complain for that reason... I think it was obvious my question revolved around "if" I hadn't eaten the burger...
  21. well we checked one burger and no pineapple..so didn't think to check the other...one bite is all it takes before cotton mouth..luckily she only got a bit and realised
  22. Ordered 2 burgers down at the beach yesterday.. 2 with the lot one with no pineapple... Stupid bitch put pineaple on both and missus has allergic reaction, was quite funny to watch. but not funny. Thought about complaining but I ate the evidence... What's the correct procedure for complaints Joe...you'd know?
  23. did someone say school holidays? Im just here to tell you you're all wrong also did you know that R35 GTR rear brakepads are the same as a Nissan Xtrail....and no not the new one So y'all might as well buy an X-trail
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