we have a beer making shop,
everything you need and more
I made a stout yesterday, smells good...going to put coffee in it before it gets bottled...I only just made it and i am already looking forward to it...its going to be a long month or more
I'm sure anything tastes good after being a chef for 5 years...if it doesn't you're a shit chef...but like i said "aint nobody got time for that" well except you and a few other people...i just get my woman to make it, while i make the beer
Maybe he likes being riden <<< cwatidudthar
after having my share of messed up relationships the only relationship advice I ever give anybody now, is don't ask for advice...It only confuses you more..
Relationships are like sex, you don't ask other people how to do it, you just get in do your thing and tell everyone else to f**k off....