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About camoo

  • Birthday 30/03/1988

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    Bikes, Cars...

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  • Car(s)
    r34 1998 skyline
  • Real Name
    cameron marsh

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  1. Thanks for the reply mate, i found that one on google. Is it the same principle for the alloy collars as the pine apples? The instructions talk about different size pineapples as though there are more than 2 options. The idea is simple, maybe im just looking to much into it
  2. Sub frame collar install into r34 for max squat. There are many threads but i have searched and cannot find instructions on where to put collars for max traction. Any one have any info?
  3. so basically the compression height is different, the ross pistons are taller from the center of the gudgeon pin, so im guessing that the pistons are for a non neo rb25det.
  4. just going for standard compression. its turning out to be a royal pain. i thought there would have been a few more people who have built a neo before
  5. So I received my ross pistons today to find that they do not have the valve cut outs like the standard ones do. Anyone have a pic of other after market pistons for neo motor? Have I been given the wrong pistons? Part number is 6mkry9603-0.50
  6. yes but i would still rather start off as close to ball park figure as possible with neo specific pistons. This isnt some nuts build, just a freshen up so the less time and money i can sink into it the better.
  7. yeh but I dont want the stuff around. Much easier to just get the correct piston and comp. Considering it will be much cheaper too. Turns out the the machinist now got a set of ross pistons anyway.
  8. yen the machines I gave my block to said he could get JE cheaper than CP. Knowing JE is a good brand I agreed, but I also like to do my own research and can't find them anywhere. I specified multiple times that it is a NEO motor and has different compression ratios, so just hoping he orders the right pistons. To be honest its hard to find JE for non NEO motors, even the JE website only lists RB26 pistons....
  9. So im rebuilding my motor and have done multiple searches to no avail. I'm trying to track down part numbers for over sized JE Pistons for my neo motor, but can't find them anywhere. I'm sure people have rebuilt 25s with JE before. Am i wrong? Does anyone know the part number or someone who does?
  10. All items now located in Brisbane as ive moved. Also 550cc injectors are sold.
  11. Unfortunately fuel was not purchased near albury. Did a run to Melbourne and filled up a barrel
  12. Sorry guys haven't checked in a few days. Yes it's the front elbow that bolts directly to the compressor housing. Not sure on the dimensions, I can check tomorrow though, id say around 2 3/4". Flanges bolt to standard exhaust
  13. so just a bit of an up date on using the green 107 octane. tested it and has the same ethanol content, so in the tank it goes. Went for a 10 minute drive and parked up. Started it up and it now runs like crap..... Maybe, probably a coincidence..... but yeh..... my car didnt like it very much.... Also ive eliminated most other possible causes of my car running like crap, dosnt mean it is the fuel though.
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