Left light wasn't working.
Took out the globe, noticed it was burned out with a hole in it.
Then looked into the housing and noticed some brown burning/melting on the reflector or something inside? If I look from the outside I can just make this out along with some bubbling or something? Figure whatever the globe was touching when inside the assembly got really hot, fried. then a hot spot developed on the globe and it expired. The globe had quite a bit of play inside the holder thing so this explains it maybe?
Then tried to put a new globe in and it was a bitch to 'lock' the holder thing, dunno if it was engaging properly, maybe with the melting there is not enough room? Anyway the blasted holder thing bust in my pliers so it is fcuked.
I was wondering if whatever inside the parker light assembly that has melted/burned can be repaired?
Should I just get a whole new light assembly? Expensive, even from wreckers.
Can I get a new globe holder?