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Everything posted by dannk

  1. Realy need help miss my beast so much. One day my car just wouldnt turn over, the car cranks but wont fire, all lights are on and looks fine on dash. have tried the follwing. 1. tried jump starting - not working just cranks not firing. 2.checked the fuel pump,removed it and its working,its priming when you try start it - but weirdly checking for flow i , removed the fuel line that goes to the injectors and fuel was not coming out when was trying to start it , but we have tried to manually pump fuel into the manifold from a container but still wont fire. 3.checked all the fuses and relays all look fine. 4.did a spark check and therz spark. I need help to check the following stuff, i think it might be 1.ecu , 2.airflow meter 3.crank angle sensor. please any ideas would be usefull or even a commendable mechanic,or import garage around the Melbourne S.E
  2. hie guys i have a quick question, i would like to know if non turbo r33 came with LSD. reason why i ask i have a an r33 turbo converted therefore was curious to know if the diff was LSD or not. i do know about the test you can perform to check but i just dont have the time therefore anyone with an idea please help. manythanks
  3. First of all i would say the stereo is all wired up totally wrong as mentioned before. I would recommend disconnecting the stereo first like remove the stereo loom too and see if the cluster comes back on, if not check all fuses ones in the boot and ones above the knee in the cabin,boot and bonnet to conect the stereo properly you need a multimeter to check the voltages on the wire before you connect them you need 12v constant, thus your 12v you get on the multimeter even when the ignition is off. and a 12v ACC on thus 12v with ignition on. And hook up the ground.If you can not get them polarities that means you definatly need a pro do it for you because hooking up wires from your cigi lighter is a fire hazard mite burn the car,coz you mite overload the wire and it will heat up and start a fire.
  4. thanks guys from the direction of the replies ive got, coilovers are definately not in the squishy ride category am i right ? therefore i think will stick to stock suspension, but would definatly need better springs, what type of springs are recommended for a softer ride. like since it mite be my shocks which are worn, would be looking at getting a good set of stock shocks and upgrade the springs, am i in the right direction ?
  5. am on the market for suspension for my R33 gst. want coilovers. my question is which shocks will give me the softest ride, i used to drive a soarer before and the suspension was jus as soft as a merc. so want something similar to that,my car is basically a daily and not for the track therefore am not bothered about the best perfomance.i am more interested with comfort. what would you guys advise for a soft ride suspension. my other question is i have a set of three piece wheels i intend to repaint. so would like to to know if i take them apart,will that affect their integrity like will they be still straight n stuff, or you require a special machine to put them back together on balance cheers guys any help would be useful
  6. hey guys am pretty chuffed got this sorted was it was my dumbness realy . i hadnt replaced the incabin fuses in the correct alignment order. you know how there is a gap where there are no fuses. thats where i had misplaced the fuses, therefore for anyone with such a problem would recomend to check correct fuse alignment accordingly with the fuse box cover list. know pretty stupid but might help someone in same situation. coz i checked all fuses more than 5 times and were fine but ddnt think might have got them in the wrong places according to the fuse list and minding the blank fuse position. thanks everyone.
  7. i would start with the spark plugs and coil packs, (1) look for water / moisture in the coil packs (2) check coil pack condition and the connectors too. if thats clear would go ahead put the stock bov back on and check all vaccum hoses by fidling and tightening if problem persists would start checking the fuel pump,filter,and idle control valve, and also throttle postion sensor. hopefully helps
  8. hie guys seriously need some help, was fidling with my dash one day fixing the lights. And in the process from memeroy i got some wires shot and blew the fuse for indicators.But after that got fixed do not have any power to my stereo AND CLOCK. Have checked both fuses the boot one and the front one on the knee. any ideas where else i may check, i think the cigi lighter is working. so just those two.
  9. keen on the turbo timer wanted to inquire if thats an r33 wiring harness on it, like would it be plug and play harness.?
  10. i have for sale these stuff got in my garage R33 series one automatic dash cluster has 69***kms on the clock $100 Alpine amp, old has cosmetic wear but works fine, pretty good sound 2 Chanel stereo / bridgeable mono $60 SONY explode sub in box $ 60 can sell both sub+amp $100 * can help to install any of the items sms or call 0449154860 lacated in the S.E surburbs pics coming soon just cant upload thdem right now, or available on request
  11. any chance you mite have a stock r34 smic
  12. Hey guys iam looking for R33 side skirts in any condition.Even damaged ones does not matter and also if its only one left one will be fine. even just one LEFT SIDE SKIRT will do. melb area. text or call at 0449154860
  13. Hey guys iam looking for a Left side skirt in any codition. i have bought a wrong pair before so cant afford brand new again as i only need the left one only. so any one with a left skirt please help even damaged one **anything besides the 400r style** pic up around MELB. call or TEXT 0449154860
  14. do you mind inquiring on postage to vic 3131, r33 side fenders
  15. how much can you sell without the motor and gear box, just need the body on standard wheels
  16. Make: GMAX Style: Princeton Size: 19x8.5, 19x9.5 PCD: 5x114.3 Offset: +38 Tyres: Fronts 245/35/ZR19 bridgestone potenza with about 50% thread left Rear 275/35/ZR19 tires worn, require tires Coments : wheels sits well and turns well without hitting the guards on my r33 gtst, have a nice deep dish.Wheels are in average condion bit off gutter rush on the fronts, Chasing $$800 open to swaps with any R33 parts,,most prefarably swap with a set of SUPER ADVANs like the ones below my contact is 0449154860
  17. ---I have a set of 19 inch Gmax Princeton WHEELS ---The wheels are in average condition front ones got bit of gutter rash on them ---Make: GMAX Style: Princeton Size: 19x8.5, 19x9.5 PCD: 5x114.3 Offset: +38 Tyres:fronts 245/35/ZR19 bridgestone potenza with about 50% thread left rear 275/35/ZR19 tires worn, require tires WHEELS HAVE A NICE DIP DISH ON EM Iam after a swap with a set of SUPER ADVAN wheels OR any other skyline parts with cash adjustments just PM or tex me on 0449154860
  18. I Have a set of standard 4 shocks n springs for sale from r33 GTS T Have been professionally lowered set is in average condition with few split rubber boot covers but were in good nick when upgraded. cheapest option for any1 planing on lowering $150 for all four located in burwood Melb 0449154860
  19. where are you located iam intrested
  20. would love the amp if still available you can text me adress and pick up time i live close by 0449154860
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