Hey all,
Today I received a parking ticket but this is the story -
I parked in a 2hr zone from 10am to 2:30pm (yes I know wayy over the time limit), and at roughly 2:35 I remembered I was in a 2hr zone so I rushed to move my car.. luckily i did not have a ticket at that time.
I moved out of the parking lot, and into a side street, which was another 2hr zone, and went back to work for roughly 30 mins. When I'd finished work 30 mins later, I arrived at the car to find a ticket on my windshield, but I was only in that car parking space for 30 mins.. I suspect the white chalk hadn't of rubbed off or something...
Is it worth fighting this ticket? I know I was in the wrong during the 1st car parking lot but the ticket is issued at 2:45, and says the offence is in the Street parking not the car park...
Any thoughts would be great!