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Everything posted by curlyjimbo

  1. Hey guys, Recently, I've bought my self a Toyota Hilux - and wow what a change from a Skyline. Last night I was driving home from Rosebud along the Frankston Freeway (100Km/h zone), and my parents were following me from behind. According to my speedo, I was just sitting on 97Km/h the whole way, although my Dad reckons I was sitting on about 115Km/h. I went past one of those parked camera car things (I spotted it and slowed down to ~95Km/h), but neither the car in front or behind slowed down either. Parents reckons they were all sitting on 110 - 115-ish. I've only had the car for 2 weeks, and I didn't notice that the speedo was out by so much. (going from a car thats 11cm off the ground to 45cm off the ground is way different!) My question is - If I did get flashed at 10Km/h over I will lose my license, but is there anyway that I can contest this? Remember I am a P-Plater, and I never speed. Off the top of my head I only have like 3 demerit points? Any advice would be great. Thanks!
  2. Few months ago I was driving next to you, my jaw literally dropped at how nice this car was. I'm amazed this hasn't sold, whoever buys it at 30k is getting a ripper deal. Good luck with the sale!
  3. Nuh I sold it. I loved that car, but unfortunately there is a line when practicality overrides pleasure. I bought a Toyota Hilux, and plan to buy a GT-R when I'm 21.
  4. Spotted someone driving off in my skyline as their new car!
  5. Good luck with the sale. I laughed at the 'sexy time' comments - someone will want to make sexy time with this car!
  6. ... So have they knocked on your door yet?
  7. Sounds like you probably bought something that's been stolen
  8. Do you live in Bayside area?
  9. Hey guys, I'm in need of a RWC, are there any local workshops that can do them? I'm in the S.E suburbs. Thanks, James
  10. Well if he is making $100 an hour without paying tax, then he's doing well. You get to pick your own hours too, I guess. - Not that I'd like to wash peoples windshields, I'm just sayin'.
  11. I went passed him, he didn't wash my windshield, but I asked him how much money he was making from washing windshields. He said that he'd do 70ish cars in an hour, that nearly all payed him $1 or $2 Thats like $100 an hour
  12. Was on the freeway today, and HICAS turned on, well the light did anyway. I didn't really notice a difference, but does this mean that the rear wheels were activated to turn as well? I know they only turn like 5 degrees
  13. New ride looks sick!
  14. I won the 2009 Driver of the year at METEC Driving center, and I did use that as a reference - I'm assuming that's maybe why I'm on the plan I'm on? Do a driving course anyway, they're fun, and always helpful no matter how much you think you know about the road.
  15. Jeeze ya dug this one out of the grave, didn't you?
  16. Car looks good! Welcome to SAU
  17. There's only one way to really find out...
  18. They only pick on window tints because they can't see if you or your passengers are wearing seat belts. But then again, if you're not wearing one, you're kind of asking to be picked on imo...
  19. There are several Headlight cleaner kits available from as little as $15. Here are some several methods
  20. Guess it makes the day more interesting...
  21. The saying is true - You do get what you pay for. They're cheap for a reason - and to save you money in the long run, look at a different car. My 2c
  22. What colour is the car?
  23. I've been waiting soo long for this.
  24. Saw a grey R32 GT-R boost up the main drag at Sandringham. @ 9.45am Backfired like a bitch too!
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