Hey guys,
Recently, I've bought my self a Toyota Hilux - and wow what a change from a Skyline.
Last night I was driving home from Rosebud along the Frankston Freeway (100Km/h zone), and my parents were following me from behind. According to my speedo, I was just sitting on 97Km/h the whole way, although my Dad reckons I was sitting on about 115Km/h. I went past one of those parked camera car things (I spotted it and slowed down to ~95Km/h), but neither the car in front or behind slowed down either. Parents reckons they were all sitting on 110 - 115-ish.
I've only had the car for 2 weeks, and I didn't notice that the speedo was out by so much. (going from a car thats 11cm off the ground to 45cm off the ground is way different!)
My question is - If I did get flashed at 10Km/h over I will lose my license, but is there anyway that I can contest this? Remember I am a P-Plater, and I never speed.
Off the top of my head I only have like 3 demerit points?
Any advice would be great.