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Everything posted by James34

  1. I believe I had a run in with the famous Officer Neil last night. Was down south though... Seemed liked a decent guy all in all? Bit rough just driving to the shop, parking, and having a cop want to check over you car though. Anyway, boost controller and missing wheel nut were flagged, and he just told me to get rid of the boost controller and fix the nut, and that if he saw me again without it fixed then he'd fine me and defect me. From what I hear I'm lucky to get off with a warning. So I'm pretty happy about that. Still think it's crap that there were shitboxes all around us which he could have found 100 things wrong with, and he singles out my car (which I can guarantee is safer to drive most of those cars!). Perks of having a Line I guess.
  2. James34


    So there's a bus of ugly people thats crashes, and they all die and go to heaven. While they're waiting at the pearly gates to get in, an angel at the gates says "You have all lived unfortunate lives as ugly people and died horrifically, so you have been given one wish before you go into heaven". They all get excited, and the first ugly preson steps up and says, "I've been ugly my whole life and i'm sick of it, my wish is to be attractive!" And so it is done, and he goes into heaven. After hearing this, the guy at the back of the line starts to giggle to himself. The next five people say the same thing, "I hate being ugly! I want to be attractive, I want to be sexy!" And so they all become attractve and go into heaven. The guy at the back starts to laugh a bit louder now. Again, the next 10, 15 people say the same thing, "I want to be good looking, i want to be attractive!" So they all go into heaven attractive. The guy at the back is laughing out loud now. It gets to the second to last person in the line, and sure enough, that person asks for the same thing, "I want to be sexy and irresistable". So he goes in to heaven attractive. By now, the last guy is in hysterics on the floor. The angel asks him, "And what is your wish?". The guy smiles and says, "Make em all ugly again!"
  3. Spotted a sweet white Stag ourside of Manoli's at Port Noarlunga on Sunday. Pops open the boot and reveals...a pram! And then a kid comes out too. Of the car, not the boot I defs wouldn't be letting any kids in my car! But that's just me
  4. Ah it makes sense now. Nice work mate If there's any way I can get in on that let me know
  5. Whaaa? I got a quote for exactly the same clutch, $753.50 + $44.00 shipping. Wonder how that works :-S
  6. Was a good cruise for as long as I was there had to bail at Coles, but was sweet to see all the cars out, especially the r34gtr :-O very nice. Cheers Kellie for organising. Maybe next time I'll be able to hang around for the whole cruise and meet a few more of you.
  7. Any chance I can grab a PM/Email of the deets? I got the initial PM from Kellie, but no follow up telling me the time/place etc Cheers.
  8. Was up at Mount Barker Thursday and Friday...and there were Skylines galore! Standouts for me... A chick driving a GTR 33, parking on Gawler St. Looked hot! The car was alright too My favourite was a GTS-t 32 that parked in front of the Courts. Not for the car (although was nice), but for the bogun chick on the side of the road who went nuts over it. Funniest thing I've seen in a while.
  9. Spotted a silver V-Spec 34 GTR between gouger and wright streets pulling into an undercover car park. Niiiiicccceeeee
  10. Spotted a fellow Black 34 on the Southern Expressway this morning. Got off at the Reynella exit. I gave a wave and he had a look. I'm pretty sure I got a nod back. But I'm not sure whether it was a "back at ya" nod, or a "what the hell are you looking at?" nod
  11. Hmmm out of interest I've done a bit of research and have found some contradictory info. Meh I guess I'll just believe pixel8r on this one
  12. I may be very wrong here, but I thought NEO engines were in late model 33s?
  13. Was good to meet you fellas and put some faces to the names. Look forward to catching up again sometime.
  14. So anyway, getting back OT, what is the deal with the Motorplex anyway? I'm sure it's been discussed before, but I wouldnt mind a quick description of what it will be if anyone can be bothered. I mean, will it be privately funded? Open to public at any time? Or just events? Any idea as to prices etc? What other features will it have? Sounds promising anyway, so I will definitely consider someone who is pushing for it. Especially someone anti-Rann. It was the backing of Atkinson that tipped my loathing for Labour over the edge.
  15. So I've decided that I'm just going to head to Villis Friday night and hope to meet some of you fellas if you turn up! Even if no-one shows up, I'll get a good pastry our of it...
  16. I think everyone just needs to calm down and take the beginning of this flame-fest for what it was...a light-hearted comment (Genuinely, I was just taking the p*ss. Although if someone DID decide to vote based on grammatical errors, it is their choice. And may not be a bad one, as small details are important ) So let's just all be friends and continue the root discussion...
  17. Calm it dude, was just making a point. This guy is actually looking pretty good to me. Just needs a better proof reader!
  18. It wasn't pointless at all. I think it is very relevant considering the use of incorrect spelling can be detrimental to the credibility of a candidate.
  19. All I could notice in this post was the use of effected vs affected. Must be the lawyer coming out in me
  20. I didn't make it either late meeting didn't finish till 9pm! What a great start to the weekend...
  21. Work at Norwood, not too far away. So should be on the cards
  22. I may head there tonight and introduce myself! IF I can get off work early enough. I picked the wrong job
  23. Spotted a Black 34 GTT on Fullarton Road this morning heading to the city about 815am. I was driving beside in my 34 and attempted a wave, but don't think he saw me
  24. Spotted a black Stag heading along Cliff Ave Seaford about 730pm last night. Sounded pretty nice.
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