whats the deal here? You buy a kit cage, liturally slap it in it, your suddenly the expert and have the right to openly
critise a much more qualified, experienced and professional product? My responce is go have sit in your car and have
second thought about the misa-lined, unlevel, butchered, undercut porus welded bars currently installed in your vehicle,
I'd meet some standards before administering them on others.
the cage was built to cams regulations all by the book, its fully removable cant tag it off to the pillar
the cage is built from the same materials and is exactly the same design as yours minus the centre bar.
All to the book right down to the last full stop.
The crash its self was more than simple roll over there was marks on the trees several meters off the ground
well out from the bank/cliff and would have been traveling faster than 80km.
whats the difference between putting a car on its lid at 200km at the track?
Chances are the end result will be the same hospital.
At the end of the day its only added safety no matter what you do, we build cages
to suit the user and their requirements, offering them best advice possible with the design and budget.