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VNS 24

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Everything posted by VNS 24

  1. UPDATED Confirmed: 1. VNS 24 2. liger (TBC) 3. shiva 4. AHR31 5. Chris Rogers 6. daisu (TBC) 7. n15m0 (TBC) 8. alex.a 9. R6n350GT 10. Rick Kim
  2. Great, Nate. Thanks for replying for Cobey as well. I did send Cobey a PM on Facebook but didn't get a reply. He must have been busy for the last few weeks. Thanks for the reply, Rick. Shall see you there.
  3. Are you into photography? That will be very helpful in the events. Back in WA, my younger brother took almost all photos for the events.
  4. Some of the V-series owners from WA work on Saturday including myself for a while. I think that's why most events are held on Sunday. I take it some of us from QLD also work on Saturday. As time goes on, we will get a better idea of who can and can't come on Saturday or Sunday. Obviously, not all can come anyway on either day.
  5. Nice one, Andrew.
  6. Sure, Nath. No worries. I am doing food shopping for BBQ on Saturday, so if you can confirm, that will be great. If not, it's no big deal too. Hope to see you there. Yeah, that's what worry me as well. I can't do anything about the weather, but there's a undercover area that can accomodate 4-5 people. That still is not good enough to enjoy the day. Worse case scenario if it's raining heavily in Logan area, I will update it. The event can be cancel if it rain heavily. Fingers crossed the weather will favour us.
  7. UPDATED Confirmed: 1. VNS 24 2. liger 3. shiva 4. AHR31 5. Chris Rogers 6. daisu (TBC) 7. n15m0 (TBC) 8. alex.a
  8. Great, Chris. I shall see you then. Thanks for the reply, mate. Will see you there.
  9. UPDATED Confirmed: 1. VNS 24 2. liger 3. shiva 4. AHR31 5. Chris Rogers (TBC) 6. daisu (TBC) 7. n15m0 (TBC)
  10. Great! Please do try. Let me know.
  11. Put it in your "To do" list for this weekends. Will be good to meet you, mate. Come if you can. Great, Andrew. See you around 3pm then.
  12. Spotted a white V36 coupe parked near Landmark Yum Cha Restaurant at Sunnybank Plaza in Sunnybank area (QLD) at 2:15pm on Monday (15-08-2011).
  13. UPDATED Confirmed: 1. VNS 24 2. liger 3. shiva 4. AHR31 (TBC) 5. Chris Rogers (TBC)
  14. Great, mate! This is a meet-and-great event, so it's fine. I am also hoping I get my V35 next week. Should see you there. Let me know if anything changes.
  15. Hi everyone, QLD V-series owners meet-and-greet is under way for the month of August 2011. Location: Grand Tce (Off Jarvis Rd), Waterford, 4133 (Parking on Grand Tce next to BBQ/Play ground) Date: 21-08-2011 (Sunday) Time: 3:00pm - 4:30pm Please post if you are interested. I will provide a BBQ. If anyone coming want to bring foods over, you are most welcome to do so as well. Looking forward to seeing QLD V-series owners. Thank you.
  16. Yes, it is. Will be posted tomorrow.
  17. Try Brain Wallis at Autotainment at Burswood WA. He knows alot about V35 audio stuffs. Good luck.
  18. Spotted a black V35 sedan with custom plates on Wembley Rd in Logan Center area (QLD) at 5:20pm on Tuesday (09-08-2011). I was in my green Mitsubishi Mirage when you reversed back onto Wembley Rd from a drive-way.
  19. Will do, Andrew. BBQ should be a part of the meet-and-greet too if I can sort out a place for it. Details will be listed before 16th August. Any more owners who would like to come along, please let me know. Thank you.
  20. Great to hear you got your V35 now. Congrats on your purchase. Regarding front tint, I've got a genuine G35 front tint I bought from US. I still got it in its box and coming with house items on 16th August. I already got "for sale" thread for it on here if you want to know more about it. Hope to see you at the event.
  21. QLD V-Series Owners - Past & Present, (SAUQLD) 1. AHR31 2. Cobey 3. HiEUmungus 4. Kolossus 5. liger 6. LineItUp 7. n15m0 8. omp 9. R6n350GT 10. sheldon2369 11. shiva 12. VNS 24 13. V35 350GT 14. Yin Sun 15. 30Five 16. 57iks PS: Please feel free to add to the list if you like.
  22. Ok. I just checked my cars in transit and they are on the train now. They should arrive on the 15th or 16th August as scheduled. If we get a few more interests, I can organise a meet-and-greet for QLD V-series. Please note this will be held on 21st August (Sunday), 3pm - 5pm, and place will be South Brisbane. I will find out a good meeting spot before 16th August. Please let me know if there are more interests.
  23. I would love to. Like I said, I would only have my V on 16th August. A weekends after 16th would be ok for me. Is there any other interests from other owners? Even if it's a small one, we can start it off in 2011.
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