Hi everyone,
WA VQ-series cruise no.6, that was postponed back in December 2010, will be organised in March 2011. Just for the record of VQ-series cruises, there have been 5 cruises so far and their information can be found on relevent threads.
Official WA VQ-Series Cruise No.6
This event will go ahead ONLY if:
1. There's 5 or more V-series Nissan Skyline able to participate.
2. There's a safe and secure car park, whenever possible.
3. As to make this cruise as much safe and enjoyable as we can, we will try to organise it on a sunny and beautiful day.
We are looking at doing this regularly, or whenever possible.
Cruise Information
Date: 6-03-11 (Sunday)
Time: 1:00pm Meet, 1:30pm Depart - 4:30pm
Place: Powis Street car park (5-10 minutes drive from Citywest car park, Drive onto Mitchell FWY and off at Powis Street exist on the left, Turn left onto Powis street and first left entry into Powis street car park)
Please post if interested and check this tread for updates.
As the last WA VQ-Series cruise was back in October 2010, it's time we have one big cruise before the spring comes. So we would like to encourage more V-series owners to come along, welcome the new year with fellow owners and enjoy the sunny cruise.
Thank you for your time.