It is very simple... dickheads purvey society in a proportional manner, thus the biggest forum/car club in Melbourne has the most dickheads. It is quite simple. There are dickheads here, Mines_Datsun anyone????
MCCR grew and changed, the original people moved on, the size of the club meant that it became extremely visible. Law enforcement in Victoria has clamped down on cruises in a big way and MCCR bore the brunt of that again by being the biggest club and also informing police of their cruise routes and locations.
As for that thread well... whatever, if you bothered to read it you would have seen that MCCR members had different opinions on it and put counter arguments against what the original poster said. But let's not let facts get in the way of sweeping generalisations.
But were it not for MCCR I would not had sex with teenage girls in the last three years and I think that is something we can all appreciate.