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Everything posted by Laurence

  1. R35 spotted in emissions testing lab in Melbourne... I wonder why a GT-R would be getting emissions tested?
  2. Agreed, I was helping some people try and buy them and they were "bargain hunting"... the prices on those are going UP!!!! If you find one, then pay whatever it costs, because you can bet that IF you see another one, it will cost more than the last one you saw. So the answer to your question "where I can get them to get me a second hand power fc that works for cheap" is unfortunately, nowhere. p.s. Blitz, you might want to change the price for that R33 PowerFC in your sig. You shouldn't give it away like that.
  3. Don't worry, this topic sort of died already once people started talking about Commodores. But believe it or not, my avatar picture is from a recently released CD of Japanese love ballads. There is the remote possibility that they already have shirts available! http://wmg.jp/r35/
  4. Well while you are so busy being "right" could you enlighten us all as to the performance reason for running 20" wheels? p.s. LOL at Holden 20x8.... The cheese factory called, they want their cutters back.
  5. The black one sold today for ¥9,530,000
  6. Drift Tengoku is good...
  7. No... perhaps this thread shouldn't degenerate quite like the other one. Speaking of cheese (not Brie though http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaAfGm6FHJk )
  8. LOL... well I'm not. But I officially give up asking as of now.
  9. Farkin!!!!!!!!!!! Tell me goddammitttt!!! Why do you like Japan so much!
  10. Correct... Streeter was busted by himself and got off scott free... They absolutely hammered me for a week to try and get me to say that we drifted together. The group is definitely the most important thing. Both if you are doing the wrong thing or the right thing. The police simply targeted the "most important thing"
  11. Actually it WAS trivial as far as the cops were concerned... Do you know what was important???? Doing it in a "team" During my interrogation I was a bit confused at some of the questions they asked regarding drifting and I later learnt that it was because the laws they had were very much focussed on drifting as a "gang related activity". LOL... the main thing that gave me was hope. Hope that even Japanese people don't understand Japanese people.
  12. HAhahah sooooo true...I am here because I haven't finished what I came here to do, unfortunately I have been here long enough where I should have so I might just have to call it quits this year. Japan is a very difficult place to live at times, I realise in the past I took Japan too seriously. The moment I realised this was when a Japanese person was making a very large fuss about something I had done which I regarded as trivial. Anyway to cut a long story short, an empty apology later and everything was back to "normal". Life here seems to be just one big aisatsu and you just have to know what to say or do in whatever situation you find yourself in regardless of what you actually think about it. As for treating others as you would like them to treat you. That is a very judeo-christian idea which absolutely 100% does not apply in Japan. You should treat people in a way appropriate to their age, social standing or "rank". The best thing about being a gaijin is that your rank is not really clear, so you can basically choose it yourself. This is why Americans do so well here in the short term, they all act like they are great, so they get treated as if they are great. I was faaaar too humble and accomodating in the past. The worst possible treatment is given to the gaijin who adopt Japanese manners as they get both the drawbacks of being gaijin AND the drawbacks of being Japanese. Anyway, it is all part of learning. I am sure I am wrong about many of these things but these are my current understandings based on a very flawed and western assumption. That of "logic"... once I stop trying to use that I might start working it out. So now I eat rice with a fork, avoid showing any knowledge of any Japanese customs or foods whatsoever and try treat people the way that they would treat a person that would treat them in the way I would like them to treat me. I am still very interested in akeenan, as he is someone who has seemed to have worked out a way he can enjoy himself here. But maybe it is something every gaijin needs to work out for himself.
  13. LOL, so true... and god forbid if you ever put non-burnable rubbish in the burnable rubbish bag!
  14. Well that certainly is an upgrade, in both spec and baller status. Anyway, what are you doing online, you should be outside drooling over your wheels, then wiping them clean, repeat... that is what I would be doing
  15. Arrrgh, I hate you!!! Could you take a quick look and see if they say ET20 and 9½Jx18 on the face near the centre cap? These are one of my two favorite wheels... I have been chasing a set of 17x9J+14 so you can make a nice 17/18 staggered set of wheels for something like an S15. Enjoy your wheels kkkk
  16. With cheap unlimited bandwidth it is akin to opening your window and giving away the air inside your room.
  17. BBS RG-Rs are invariably 18x9.5+20 you can't see it very well, but the sizes and offset are stamped into the front of the wheel. From the second picture I can make out something resembling 9½Jx18 but there should be ET20 on it as well. This is a stupidly cheap price. Whoever gets these is getting a great deal.
  18. Laurence

    Sold R35v Gtr

    If anyone is interested in an R35 there is one up for sale at Bay Auctions in Osaka today. If you can get ¥9million or so in my bank account by this afternoon I might be able to pick it up for you.
  19. Laurence

    Number Plates

    The main reason I think they are from a C33 is that the "vehicle type" number 533 is for a "Passenger Car" whereas an R33 is a "Heavy Passenger Car" http://www.tigerdude.com/japan/license/veh.html Anyway it is more a matter of trivia than anything.
  20. Does anyone know about Flets? I think that is what I need for the hotspots I need to access (at car auctions)
  21. Laurence

    D1 R35

    Whoops, no I am pretty sure that it is just my crappy Japanese that is the problem. Sort of a forest/trees concentration scenario if you get what I mean. Thanks for correcting that. Yeah, that car is for D1 Street Legal. It is basically just a JZX with about 10cm chopped off each end. Stock they are heavier than a Mark II, but they are absolutely packed with luxury gear so that should change once it gets down to the metal.
  22. Speaking of R35s... I think I should go to sleep. Because I am talking about cheese. おやすみ!
  23. Try Kawachi-Kosaka... Hehe... between ゴルゴンゾラ、小阪 and いちーばん I reckon you might need to get that keyboard checked out... edit: Nice cheese by the way... hmmm I should have got some too
  24. Those marks are errr, compression artefacts... jpeg stuff, yeah, that is it. Osaka is just a dirty town, it is how we roll.
  25. True story... I saw that on TV in a love hotel. I errr how shall I put it... "stopped" to watch. LOL
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