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  1. hi everyone, guys and girls. i have some bad news(for me atleast!) i am no longer able to get online and tell you guys whats happening with my car theft from the car wash. i seem to have found myself being sued for taking it there to be washed. no i am not joking with you guys. all because i got a little heeated up on the phone about why im not being taken care of coz i have to work, and pick up kids.. etc.. yes, im being sued by the guy, he even said he'l have a whole team of lawyers against me. i havent even told him im going to take him to court! to be honest with you guys, i am really scared, i have never been to court or even a police station before. im also afraid about seeing a lawyer just because i have heard they can really be expensive.. anyway, this is what iv been served, and i shall face it. i thank you all for the negative and positive criticism i dont want to be online about this issue anymore because i learnt on the internet that i can be sued for defamation as well. i choose to not correspond anymore just to save myself. again thank you all. just one thing before i go, i have a question for the site administrator, if i want to delete my account on this site is that possible? thank you all again fuz.
  2. thanks for that advice. im seeing a lawyer today and iv also organised for a friend to walk past and take some pictures of the car wash just like you guys reccomended. im feeling alot more better knowing that i can take this guy to court if i am rooted around. but one question, im getting a lawyer from the free legal aid thingy. are those lawyers any good? im not discriminating them but just wondering if i paid a lawyer would things be more sure? also am i gonna get i trouble for talking about this subject on the newbies thread and not starting a new one dedicated to it? sorry admin dude. thanks again all. ands one more thing, yes i do have the reciept and stuff when i paid for the car wash. they still havent even refunded that money to me yet! coz my car wasnt washed in the first place!
  3. hey all, the car was stolen before the car could be washed, the owner said. the owneer of the carwah said he has full insurance for his business and will cover the cost. whats funny is that yesterday the owner tells me he isnt really liable for the car being stolen but will do his best thru his insurance to have my car reimbursed. to be honets with yuo guys i dont want to mention the name of the car wash right now because i might have to go to court about this IF things turn ugly. the owner has been nice to me, but also shown me a bit of wierd behaviour. any lawyers out there with some sorta idea who is really liable for my car? to recap this: i gave my car in, got a reciept for what wash i wanted, went in and paid for it with eftpos. then walked out saw my car still there in the queue and left for a kebab. thanks for the support guys. cheers.
  4. hey all. iv been a long time surfer prowling the site but havent registered till now. Big fan! i bought a 2003 v35 anniversary tan leather in march this year with 29ks! i just love this car but sadly i am here today only to announce my car was stolen on monday after i handed over my car to a car wash paid and went to get some grub. only to come back and find out my cars been stolen from the car wash anyways. i just wanted to introduce myself and hope to get some insight into what i should be doing because i dont have any insurance besides the green slip for rego. i loved that car.. thanks all.
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