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Everything posted by MrWindsurf

  1. Hi all, Found this today :S the future looks pretty bleak http://www.news.com.au/technology/nsw-gove...0-1225874819392
  2. This is my helmet I bought from Revolution Racegear : http://www.revolutionracegear.com.au/index...rimary&CDO= Its a fantastic helmet, very comfey. As has been mentioned before Its insurance for your head, can you really put a price on that. Hopefully you never need to use your helmet the way it's been designed but in the event you do, you want to make sure its going to work.
  3. I had a 3in fijitsubo jasma cat back when i got my gtr with the stock compliance cat. When i changed out the compliance cat to a highflow I got a fairly decent gain, I noticed the turbos would spool earlier and faster and the car felt much happier. Probably +10 killerwasps
  4. Morning fellas, thank god its mid week. Looking foward to the weekend already
  5. Awesome thanks for the Input guys JJR front pipe here I come. Atm the car is pretty stock power wise but has had handeling mods done. I would like to eventually make 250-280 awkw but that will be years down the track. Thanks again for the prompt responses
  6. Using standard dumps, 3in JJR de-cat and 3in fujitsubo Jasma catback
  7. I was wondering what your experiences are with front pipes, I am thinking about getting a Just Jap stainless front pipe are these any good? They seem cheap compared to others, Is it because its not a big brandname? Thanks
  8. Awesome, I'll cya there. I might be a little late. Not sure yet
  9. Jamie are you comin to the bouli tonight?
  10. Ash, Nobby and I shotgun a lift to deca XD
  11. I suppose its similar to killing 2 birds with one stone .... Bam and there it is
  12. So they are giving out fines with DB tests now? the only epa for noise i've had were those "an officer doesnt like your car and couldn't dick you for anything at the time so here is your epa in the mail" and they never have fines attached
  13. Surely someone must have needed a new EGT sensor at some point? Would the local exhaust place have them?
  14. Spotted Will last night in my drive way... then on doncaster road
  15. Hey all, As stated in the thread topic, I was wondering where to buy a new one of these. I pulled the old one off the cat last night, its heaps rusty and the sensor seems to be stuck to the nut itself so when you go to tighten the sensor up in the new cat it wants to twist the wires up really badly. Thanks in advance Andrew
  16. MMMM perhaps an r32 gtr only meet is in order
  17. Hmmm AWD ey, the question is why does mine click? I've listened to a few other gtr's and none of them make that noise of have that split second of voltage drop. Ha u know I don't need a magnet tav teh ladezzzz love meh
  18. Anti skid relay? soooo something to do with abs? or something like that?
  19. Yeah might give it a go.... Cmon GTR owners gimme some answers
  20. You could get someone to tac weld on a metal bar, crappy screwdriver or something
  21. That sounds mint
  22. Hey guys, I was wondering exactly what this is (see pic attached) Its located in my boot next to the left tail light seems like a relay of some sort, when the car isn't on it makes no noise once the car is running (at idle) I can hear the relay click probably every 10 sec or so. When the clicks occur I can see the lights in the car flicker and the voltage drop for a milisecond. BTW its in the boot of an 94 r32 gtr if that helps Cheers. Andrew
  23. Nah I'm pretty sure there was no lip or spoiler at all. The rims could have been bronze too. Somthing dark. Looked pretty shweeet
  24. Spotted a midnight purple r32 gtr with gold rims and no spoiler with sau stickers on the rear quater windows. At the sparkling carwash on burwood hwy last night. There was a VIC imports mini meet going on when u rocked up I was leaving
  25. Lets hope not. Although 90db is fkn quiet. My celica had a cannon and was like 103db, had a new system put on and it still came in at like 87db. Good luck
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