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Everything posted by Galois

  1. There's a sticky somewhere on what to look out for when buying a skyline. But you're gonna find that most will have been modified and all will have been thrashed at some point in their lives. No-one knows how the cars lived back in Japan. Definitely test drive a few
  2. Where abouts are you mate?
  3. Ah, I think my brain died when I read your post. Have driven with a space saver in the rain too, twice, most terrifying experience ever. Got two punctures from the land fill the council used outside my folks house, apparently they just used glass and nails
  4. A couple of days late, but sold!
  5. I had a '94 camry that was the same, didn't touch it for about 2 years and it was still going. Then did a major service and it felt like new, everyone wins My r34 had spacers on it when I bought it, must have been 15mm, maybe more. Combined with terrible, old hard falken tyres and ~28psi cos the previous owner was a fool made it one hell of an adventure. +1. If the tyre pressure is high it maintains its shape which pumps the water out better. Also remember, the 255 tyres are hugely wide compared to a standard A->B car. Wide means it is harder to displace the water under tyre which makes it more slippery.
  6. everything you need to know champ http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Sp...gs-t104405.html
  7. bump
  8. In camrys, corollas, various other similar cars there's a little button you press in, is there on in a skyline? Otherwise it might be linked to the brake, but I doubt that will work as it would be an electric link, not a mechanical one
  9. That was including the refill at the petrol station half way round too!
  10. did this race ever happen?
  11. haha that is very true
  12. Can you put up some pics mate?
  13. except for the oil funded geologists
  14. Thanks for the answer Marc, that explains it. I had no idea there was a temp sensor in there, esp a heated filament, that's a genuinely good idea. Lower air pressure means less heat transfer between filament and air, which means it'll think the air is warmer and make it run safer. I don't really want to do the calcs to make sure, but there's a high possibility that the lower cooling effect of low pressure air ends up countering the lower mass flowrate of the low pressure air. 9psi at the top of a mountain? That's an insane drop! It's like half way up everest!
  15. *stands 2m back* it does! that's awesome, hope it scares the people following at night
  16. Big fan of kudos here, was a pleasure doing business with andrew, and will do again in future
  17. Hahaha, I have no interweb for one day and come back to all this hilarity. It's so true, the little rattles and squeaks drove me up the wall! But then you'd spend the best part of 24hrs looking for it and might fix it and then, there's another one! For easy things to control, like oil, you want one that protects and feels best, cos there's plenty of other things to worry about! I just sold my car to someone on these forums. So mate, if you're reading this, you'll sympathise soon enough . But the reason everyone (almost) keeps the skylines, is the good bits. I think this is the way with all enthusiast cars: they piss you off every now and then, but will always make you love them again (usually that right pedal helps)...
  18. Just wondering, how much would say rain water affect the fuel maps? So, most of coastal aus, esp south, can have a 20oC swing in temp (from a hot day to a thunderstorm or whatevs). Add water and some speed and the cooling rate of an intercooler or rear turbo and suddenly intake temps are 20-50oC cooler (rough numbers, don't really want to do the calcs). So the extra cooling increases air density which changed the air-fuel ratio, possibly significantly. How is that countered? Is that what a safe tune implies, that extra lee-way? Cheers
  19. Could it be a pivot bolt problem? These tend to go in gts-t's after a while
  20. Sh!t, meant 18k. They lowered the rpm limit a couple of years back to conserve fuel and reduce engine wear. I was thinking of my 13k kart when i wrote it, had some wire crossing issues :$
  21. F1 engines are very different to road engines, as are the oils they use. Elf would certainly manufacture a specific oil for f1, and unless research has been banned, they'd be constantly changing the oil formula to tweak a little more life and power out of those 10k rpm monsters
  22. Thanks mate, but i found the perfect one (specs, engine, kms, colour) and put a deposit on it for 4.5k over the weekend. Cheers
  23. Bump, pretty negotiable on prices. I'll get the energy soon to take it to the track so people can see/inspect/hopefully buy. I'd rather sell it to an sau-er though, will sell for a lower price on here too
  24. Hey mate, how old is the engine? Manual or Auto? What coilpacks are in there atm? Is the clutch stock or aftermarket? Cheers
  25. That's a beautiful gtst mate, I have to say, I'm glad I don't have the difficult choice you have (and a little jealous ). Personally, I'd hate to have a car which I poured my heart and soul into, and buy something which feels worse all round. Just wondering though, why has almost everyone been against upgrading to an rb30 bottom end? Is it because twin scroll turbos are cheaper or because of the cost of a 30 conversion or what? That might be a factor in the decision.... ??
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