I was cruising along in liverpool once in my 34 gtt, didn't notice that I'd just pulled up next to an sv6 ute at the lights. I took off a little quickly, just enjoying the car, 3/4 throttle changing at 4k rpm.
I noticed a lout noise next to me, it was the dousche in the sv6 unintentionally pulling a 30 degree drift whilst bouncing off the rev limiter.
I stamped on the breaks and has he caught it he was propelled into my lane, where I would have been if I hadn't hit the breaks.
Moral of the story: I had no idea we were "dragin", and he could have killed me or my gf or some other poor bastard when he lost control.
Oh yeah, I also let a golf gti and a subi rx (with wrx badges o_O) beat me lately cos their lane was ending soon