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Everything posted by Galois

  1. Moodles to the rescue
  2. What's the Syn-X like? You're still a lot closer to the industry than most of us!! haha
  3. It's always had 100% synthetic written on it, at least it did a year ago when I last bought it. The article I read on the terminology is in this thread somewhere, lol but I'd have a quick go at google first. Unless it has been changed without being heavily publicised or mentioned here somewhere, anyone know anything on this? Birds???
  4. Regularly covered in this thread mate. In the 90's (I think) some company (Castrol?) won a case in court that the processing of the oil required to get to grade 3 is enough to be called fully synthetic. PAO bases oil is grade 4, and the first truly synthetic grade. Grade 5 is synthetic double-ester. Agreed that it's overkill and possibly unnecessary, but there's certainly no harm in using the best product available. It also lasts a lot longer before breaking down...
  5. +1 for pics
  6. I only have 3, and I advertised these while selling my 34. Just saying guys, how much is the sougi worth to you? I'll throw in a free car PS: Birds, it isn't safe enough :|
  7. If I manage to sell the r34 soon I'll give you a call next time I'm down there...
  8. Ahh ok, I see. I'd be doing ^^, the coilpack loom often goes too, but I'd be pretty keen on finding the problem before spending more
  9. Where you located mate?
  10. Nissan quoted me over $190 per coilpack, got 6 yellow jackets for $420. Coilpacks fading is a common problem on skylines though, it's not the source of every single misfire but it has solved the problem for a lot of people.
  11. Less I think mate, call toll or someone like that to get a quote or get referred to someone who can do it. A car dealer I was looking at a while ago advertised shipping cars interstate for less than $400
  12. Nice interior mate, what price you after?
  13. So glad it wasn't some dousche in s skyline! Don't think it was just a normal lancer, burnouts and overtaking on the other side of the road, sounds like some dick with a turbo... and ice...
  14. I think nissan do still sell these if you can't find a seller
  15. Link doesn't work for me mate
  16. Not sure mate, call a local mechanic who does roadworthy's, they should know. Keep us posted mate, good luck with the hunt.
  17. My factory boost controller has been modified to give up to 13-14 psi, I have a switch turning it on and off. Boost gauge doesn't like regular changes though. Clutch slippage, low boost till fixed. (done) Coilpacks going, low boost till fixed. (done) L plater girlfriend driving, low boost. Car feels different, still nice to drive just a bit slower, I actually preferred it for a while. Traction on nankangs is poor, esp in the wet, low boost helps as the stock turbo is insanely responsive and quickly goes from 7-14psi, wheelspin. Also with stock turbo there really isn't much difference between 7 and 14psi in terms of right foot position, just in power. The boost curve is weird because I don't have an electronic boost controller. 7 psi by 3000rpm, 14psi by 3100rpm. Not sure why you'd do it with an actual boost controller. I did it to help the turbo, and the above reasons. It's not going slower I was after, it was less boost, less engine stress. I preferred the switch.
  18. Never trusting a tyre dealer again. They started to rubber in after 5000km, before that it was horrific. Still pretty bad though, will go kumho's next time.
  19. More pics please, and dyno sheet if convenient
  20. Tired old stock suspension maybe? Not sure, but the tyres are shit. In first it feels fast when it grips, but most of the time there's slippage. In second, on a dry fairly smooth it's good. Not talking about tyre burning wheel spinning here, just not true grip. Not sure what it's like up there with >2x the rwkw n1gtr, but rain plus boost plus rwd on 265 nankangs doesn't work. Accelerating from lights I get overtaken by everything. That's one of the reasons I went for duel boost, so I have 7psi for rain, lol and when others drive it. I guess it's different when you have that much power at hand, you'd use less throttle to get the same thrill/overtaking.
  21. Fk he must have balls of steel. My 34 gtt with catback and 12psi only just, just holds on in second on a smooth road. With more than twice the rwkw, that man can drive haha
  22. Cheers for the info, the hundred thou sticker was in a random place so the service had been done, luckily. I had everything ordered with kudos before a mate pointed it out and Andrew was happy to change the order for a clutch kit. Great guy, will go to Kudos first for whatever I need now...
  23. Glad you got them back mate. You should mention it to the police but just not press charges, that way next time something like this happens it's on record.
  24. +1. Paul at performance wise fixed me up with yellow jackets, car hasn't missed a beat since
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