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Everything posted by Galois

  1. He hadn't, but by the time I got there he'd already sawed the hole and was undoing the pressure plate. Not sure how he plans to put it all together without undoing that clip though, I guess he'll figure it out. The flywheel bearing was fkd too, as well as the uni-joints and center bearing, which have to be replaced. This has been such a mission.
  2. Hey guys, Ok, story so far: My r34 gtt (pull type clutch) went in for a clutch change, the mechanic took everything bar the gearbox off, and that's where we're up to. We CANNOT get the gearbox off. We've tried using crowbars and what happens is the gearbox moves away from the engine before snapping back on to it. The mechanic reckons it's the clutch and pressure plate grabbing and that the only solution now is to cut a hole in the bottom of the gearbox to get at the pressure plate screws. Does this sound normal? Surely this isn't a rare problem with these cars? Thanks in advance
  3. sweet, I had been wondering that too (put mine in 3 or so weeks ago) but forgot to ask with the mis-free excitement haha
  4. Moodles is exactly right. Each turbo is putting out 14psi, but having 2 turbos instead of 1 means that each turbo has to move half as much air to achieve the same pressure. That's the advantage of win turbo, you don't have to work the turbos as hard to get the same pressure, which means they can handle more pressure or they're more reliable. That's the theory anyways, not sure about the actual turbos used.
  5. buy an older (93-94) series one r33 gtst for <8k and spend the rest on mods?
  6. Still for sale. Price is negotiable. PM me for contact details, cheers!
  7. Where in newy are you mate?
  8. That is very interesting! But unfortunately it can't simulate the effect of the oils on the engine over a few thousand km, such as carbon deposition/removal and other longer term effects of an oil on an engine.
  9. I didn't say stupid. Though I assume you're not going to actually blindly follow the advice one one single thread. You have to understand mate that people get tired of the same questions over and over from people who refuse to do the smallest amount of research (not implying this of you), so when anyone asks a question without searching they usually get told to do so. It must be 50% of the time at least where a thread is pointlessly created on info that is covered in a sticky or on the next page of topics. The anonymous forum is a perfect place to attack people without having to know anything about them, that's just the unfortunate reality. And by asking stupid or unresearched questions people open themselves up to criticism. Don't get annoyed when you post the same question over and over and someone points out it's not a good one. Ask it in a thread on your local area and get a decent answer, rather than the national forum where no one knows or cares. You also have heaps of money to blow and for some reason think the god-car of sau isn't going to be good enough for you. Personally I don't care, but it's not gonna make you friends. People have much more respect for those that research, just sayin.
  10. If you want to do a flush, buy sougi m5000 for $30 per 5L. It's a damn good oil, a mix of grade III and grade V, rather than grade III and grade IV. It's also good and detergent heavy so will do a good job cleaning.
  11. Ahh good thinking, the stock thing is sh!t, it's been modified somehow to give the 14. I will get a tune one day, that might help too. Still happy with 3300, I have a mate witha soarer not making full boost till 4500. It's epic after that though
  12. Half an hour with practice? Maybe a little longer but not much. I was surprised when one of the more experienced guys told me half an hour before I'd changed them for the first time, cos the first time takes like 2 hours haha. But yeah, once you know exactly what you're doing and have loosened all the bolts with a few changes it's pretty straightforward.
  13. Hey mate, Give Andrew Sullivan at Kudos a call, he's the supplier of the clutch you're looking at on ebay, he'll sort you out. At least you don't have a gtt, add another $400 to the clutch price... That's getting done on Monday...
  14. you serious mate? either 1. Ask your local storage place if they do contracts that short 2. Find a mate/relative with a garage, or 3. suck it up like the rest of us without hundred to blow on pointless sh!t have to. Seriously, is this some school kid trying to be annoying or someone genuinely posting this stuff on a forum full of experts ready to flame. You're so lucky the usual boys haven't entered this one to smash you and make the thread interesting. I do all my work on a grassy hill outside my house because the driveway's on a massive angle and doesn't go all the way to the road, which is not guttered. I'm sure some people on sau make do with less. As I said before, high posts means experience, and Nismoid has >30k. Search. Do your own research. And above all else, don't spend heaps of money based on what people say on an anonymous forum.
  15. Relax champ, most users have no problems. I've had mine for a few weeks now and haven't had a mis, not one, it's been amazing!! Thanks PW
  16. And the gearing factor too (but that's between engine and wheels regarding torque), but yeah that's it. I was so happy when I learnt that. I kind of agree that peak power figures don't mean everything, I think power made at 2 or 3k would be a better street car figure. I've always wondered who on here has the most power at 2-3k rpm. That's beside the point though, and very different turbo etc application.
  17. Finally got new coilpacks 2 weeks ago so I'll see how long they last. Car is pretty stock, tho i wrote "stock" a long time ago, before I realised that 14psi is not stock boost. The car's history is unknown lol. Heaps of people on here just change plugs with oil to keep the car fresh and avoid misfires.
  18. I do mine with oil every 5000km. You could also look at bosch plats, ~$40 for 6 from repco, they go pretty well. Not sure how long they last, prob not much longer than the coppers...
  19. I think most people on here think you're getting way ahead of yourself and just writing off an engine you haven't even bought yet mate. That said, if you want to spend this much and don't want that engine why not put something really interesting in. Isn't the ls2 a better option then the runaround ls1? Can't remember, read about a similar idea ages ago. Why not put a supercharged 6L monaro engine in? More torque than you'd know what to do with. Not sure how much they cost, but what about one of the audi, merc or bmw v8s? Mountains of torque and 8k redline stock.
  20. smoother track plus singapore randomness, should be a good gp... unless the smoothness undoes the randomness and the track becomes a nighttime valencia
  21. I only ever do mine up hand-tight and always need to use a tool for removal, probably because the engine and oil is all warmer when I take it off
  22. The other option, just as a point of interest, would be buy an r33 gtr and spend the savings on mods as well making a real weapon lol. Not sure why you want to rush into this so quickly though, it's not like taking things slowly is going to waste your money. You don't even own an r34 gtr but you already don't want the engine...
  23. Sorry mate, I just re-read my post, should have mentioned there are also plenty of people who get 40000-100000km out of iridiums. Luck of the draw really. A mate of mine spent weeks hunting a misfire on his soarer, spending hundreds replacing parts, including coilpacks, and it turned out to be the 3000km old iridiums. He was not impressed lol. But anyways, you'll know as soon as the plugs start going off mate, it'll mis a bit at idle and high boost. I'd keep the iridiums until they had a problem, you might be lucky
  24. There are horrific stories on here of people using a plug that was too hot and it looks burnt out and destroyed after a few hundred km. One guy melted his after one flat out tin to 180km/h. A lot of sau users use coppers because 1 They're cheap 2 Changing every 5000km means that they're constantly fresh and being inspected 3 There are HEAPS of stories of iridiums lasting only 3000km 4 Copper has a slightly better spark but also wears more quickly (hence the high change rates) I use bosch plats myself and change every ~5000km, or a bit after. 6 for $38 for 1.1 gapped, and $44 for 0.8 gapped.
  25. You do realise you asked this on a forum full of people who spend most of their time answering difficult, technical questions. People have been flamed for less. Interested to hear what Marc would do with another skyline mods wise? Milk comes in 2L but goon comes in 5! (I stole that)
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