haha ppl dont listen.....i was saying that i have 3 sets of plates already and was wondering shud i put one of them on the car?? i wasnt asking what i shud get
just wondering how many ppl live in the southern part of adelaide i live at seaford and was just wondering if theres anyone in my area or close by??? where i can talk to bout this new jap car that i bought as i know nothing about them lmao
yea i want to keep ther car as stock as possible as every car ive had ive had to put through regency and fork out 1000s of dollars...but this ones just had its rwc from inerstate and had its interstate check for reg in s.a so id like to be pulled over as less as possible
i own the rights to 3 sets of custom plates and was wondering if i shud put them on the 33??
the plates i have are:
not sure weather i should put one of these on or leave the std alpha num plates on....