unsure if its the standard clutch or aftermarket clutch in my 33 (hasn't been changed since i bought it, previous owner wasn't sure either)
i've noticed lately that now i have to push the clutch all the way into the firewall otherwise it crunches, I used to only have to press the clutch 3/4 of the way to the firewall... my mate says its the clutch fork boot. would he be right?
If it helps, i noticed today sitting at the lights, on a slight incline.. clutch in, in first gear, take my foot off the brakes, (clutch still fully in) the car rolls back the slightest bit but as soon as i give a little gas the car stops moving backwards even tho the clutch is still fully depressed.. If i dont blip the gas the car keeps rolling backwards.
Any ideas?
Also, i dont have the cash just yet to fix it, is there much harm that can be done if i drive it for another week or so?