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Everything posted by defari

  1. got in on live - its ok, maps are pretty good.. bit frustrating that there are now 4 maps from mw1 that i've had to pay for again.
  2. did my diff oil today, not too much problem, bolts were fairly easy to take off.. Read somewhere that the diff takes about 1.9 - 2L.. I had the car on level ground with a hand pump siphon but could only manage to get about 1.5L. I tried pumping more in but it was dibbling out quicker than i could get it in. Should it still be ok?
  3. spas12 gauge with grip.. end of story
  4. mine is a similar problem, but after 10 mins of driving it goes away. sounds like a worn bushing but i have no idea why it goes away
  5. ^^ from what i can remember it looked good, the gtr wing sounds familiar. i remember thinking 'factory two tone r33 gtr?" didnt think there was any silver/grey R32 GTR st pauls tce last night around 9pm - plates were 608AWD..
  6. might wander down to see these 35's
  7. white r33 along gregory tce around 6:30ish.. cant remember plates.. had drift stickers on the rear window
  8. rip.. btw did the german fireman say a nissan lexus?
  9. unsure if its the standard clutch or aftermarket clutch in my 33 (hasn't been changed since i bought it, previous owner wasn't sure either) i've noticed lately that now i have to push the clutch all the way into the firewall otherwise it crunches, I used to only have to press the clutch 3/4 of the way to the firewall... my mate says its the clutch fork boot. would he be right? If it helps, i noticed today sitting at the lights, on a slight incline.. clutch in, in first gear, take my foot off the brakes, (clutch still fully in) the car rolls back the slightest bit but as soon as i give a little gas the car stops moving backwards even tho the clutch is still fully depressed.. If i dont blip the gas the car keeps rolling backwards. Any ideas? Also, i dont have the cash just yet to fix it, is there much harm that can be done if i drive it for another week or so?
  10. sms sent, looking to get pics of the front bar with the indicators.. cheers.
  11. text sent can buy and pick it up tomorrow if not already sold
  12. if it helps, i got a sII with similar mods.. mine was making the same noise when i first bought it.. turned the boost down to stock (had to do a bit of trial an error with the manual boost controller and the boost gauge) running 7-8psi no missfire/popping noise when foot is flat on the gas.. I tried turning the boost back up a few weeks ago up to 11-12psi, which made it missfire slightly again. stock turbo / ecu doesn't like anything above 12psi
  13. white r35gtr springhill - coming out of the pool down there on gregory tce about 7ish 50FLI the other night, see it a fair bit around brisbane and some arab douche in his r33, pumping some gay bolliwood crap music, driving real slow through the city on wednesday about 12pm
  14. uae33 / black/purple r33 in the city yesterday about 5
  15. i just drain mine, fill it back up with the correct mix of coolant and distilled water.. leave the radiator cap off, turn the car on, let it run until it stops bubbling where you fill it.. turn the car off. wait 10 mins, chuck the radiator cap back on.
  16. if it helps, i just keep receipts / type up all work / take photo's of what i've done / invoices from mechanics for work done.. might not be a legit log book, but when/if it comes time to sell, it may come in handy / seal the deal.
  17. as the topic says, looking for a fairly clean / undamaged r33 front bar.. doesnt have to have indicators but will pay more if indicators are included. anything that will fit a series II r33.. preferably in white. pm me if you have anything
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