only ARX and RX (and some AXIS models) have rear vents
yes there are vents under the centre console on rear vent equipped cars.
youll need the adaptors from under the stereo where they join the rest of the system. take the dash pad off and you can see the whole system.
ill see if I can dig up a pic
he already said in his original post he doesn't care about the screen, only the mechanical unit that does the work. probably putting his own stuff in. smart, better than attempting a conversion
spotted craig going past my place yesterday morning, nice stickers, red is red again!
also spotted a white AXIS parked on Lawrence Hargrave drive, around 10am yesterday.
make sure the wheel is on properly.
check driveshaft.
check bushes.
check brake pads.
stick your head under there and have a look, or I dunno, take it to a mechanic?
ahh yes, apologies, the V should denote hicas. however youre right, RS doesn't always have hicas.
ARX always has hicas, AXIS may have been an option, but I don't think there are enough around for us to have seen one.
its not a 350S console, theres no position for the handbrake.
when you remove the auto surround from the non-350S one, there is a round hole underneath........
RS FOUR V has hicas, also non-integrated stereo. black interior, manual seats except with leather.
RX doesn't have hicas, nor can it be optioned with; will have electric seats, integrated stereo and boring beige interior.