Looks good so far.
I am looking at doing the same thing in my V35, but a tiny bit differently.
A few questions (for Chris as well).
1). I am looking at using an Acer Aspire 10.1" lappie stored in my glovebox. I am going to connect this to a Lilliput style touch screen possibly in a similar position to you have, and have it plugged into the ODBII so I can use Nissan Datascan for gauges. So my question is, are car power supply laptop adapters reliable enough to charge and maintain my laptop, and is there software available so that when the laptop gets to X% power left in the battery it will automatically shut down? My hope is that the car battery on accessories will power/charge the laptop, and the laptop will stay on and run on its own batteries when I get out of the car (I get in and out of the car for 15 minute periods many times a day), but when the laptop battery reaches say 30% battery left, it will shut down (so I can turn it on again if I need to without car power).
2). What issues are you having with the ODBII? I am looking at buying the Blazt setup http://www.blazt.biz/products/obdii.php - looks good to me - is there a better option?
3). What brand/model number is your cruise control, and how much did it cost? My auto elec/stereo guy hasn't done cruise on a V35 yet and is having a bit of trouble tracking down a decent unit compatible with drive-by-wire.
Also, maybe of interest to you guys, is the fact that I am strongly contemplating moving the factory climate unit up to a custom made fibreglass mount where my current empty monitor slot is (I will get the compact climate version that is not integrated with the Bose/stereo), and dremelling the stock fascia to mount a dual din Lilliput screen where the factory climate and half of the original stereo potition, and then mount my JVC AVX-810 dual din DVD unit/all-in-one below it where the bottom half of the factory stereo was and where the ashtray and hazard light switch currently are. I have attached a very crude mock-up of what I mean. What do you guys think of that?