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Everything posted by Nightcrawler
If I am at any time being unreasonable or acting like a prick, yes you have a right to tell me so. However, if others then come on here after you call me that, and claim I wasn't being unreasonable, then I will ban your ass. On a simiar vein, if any other member wants to legitimately come on here and tell me that I have it completely wrong and should not have said you were acting like an immature little prick, then I will be more than happy to eat my words. This issue is not about a little spate of name calling, Both you and Ted (much more Ted than you, I might admit) have long histories of stirring up shit that is not welcome. Yes, plenty of others on here stir shit (me included), but it is all a bit tongue in cheek, and you will find that nearly everyone that gives someone else shit on here is actually good friends in person, not just some nameless keyboard warrior. Final point: respect the mods or we will ban you. Like it or lump it, WE ARE the SAU police, and if you are not being courteous to your elders/moderators, then you will be punished. Easy as that. You can't honestly think some of your comments and behaviour toward Sled wouldn't have you banned in one microsecond on ns.com? I know for a fact you would be long gone.
So, Ted's 180time account is now banned for life too. I wonder if he has any other accounts? Having muliple accounts is strictly against SAU rules. so I am not sure how he lasted around here for so long anyhow.
You are so wound up in your own little world nisskid that you can't even see what an immature little prick you are being. Would you say something like, and I quote: to a cops face? Or Sled's face for that matter? Of course you wouldn't. Show some respect.What exactly have you given to the Skyline community? Have you been instrumental in helping SAU become a club (and be voted in a committee member), or organised or officiated in anything? Well Sled has and does. So what does that say about you if he "has been a part of this site for f**k all time, constributed just about nothing", yet you are by self-proclamation essentially a founding father of SAU. Give me break. Why was Sled chosen by the site owner to be a Mod, and you weren't? Because Sled is exactly the opposite to what you are saying - he is an experienced, wordly guy, who has excellent judgement and a level head on his shoulders. You on the other hand show little or no maturity, nor positive contribution. Why do I see no-one but you and Ted (who is long gone, thank God) constantly rip on Sled, yet everyone else concurs with comments made about YOU like "I dont know... the only cock sucking I see around here is between you and your buddy "nissdik"." .... "big ups too the mods, SAU is now alot less gay" .... and countless other PMs and conversations I have had with people. Sled's past issues with you have been legitimate. I have seen ALL of the correspondace bewtween you two, and believe me when I say that Sled is in the right. Interestingly chatter in the Mods only forum about you and Ted is always negative, and other mods from other states have even complained about the both of you and your rhetoric. So yeah, like I said in this open forum to Sled - if he wants to ban you for life, then he has my blessing. If I never have to moderate another one of your comments, or respond to someone's reported post about you (and/or your semi-illegitimate 'business' selling tyres), it would be a happier place for me.
Sled you officially have my permission to ban both of those tools for life .... your call mate. We obviously track their IPs, so they can never re-register without us knowing.
Since I want to be in the 'cool kids' club Ruby seems to have started, I have gone one better than him - blue intercooler
^^^ yep that would be John Munro - one of the first SAU users, and a celebrity in the Skyline world, owning a previous Australian record holding 9 second R33GTR that has recently been converted into a track car. He also used to own a Bayside blue R34GTR and still has the silver R33GTR that is in the HPI mags as the "3 litre streeter".
Thanks very much for all of the info, tips and part numbers in this thread guys. I am considering selling my R34 to get an M35 at the moment, so this thread is an excellent resource!
yep, keen as as long as I am not skiing in New Zealand the weekend it is on.
awesome, thanks mate I will drop by there tomorrow and see him.
^^^ yeah awesome - until you have an accident (even a little one - even if it is not your fault) and they do you for driving disqualified AND fraud. Then tack on the no car insurance and no 3rd party person insurance. So Bubba is raping you in jail for a couple of years, then you have 20+ years of debt to pay for someone else's car and medical bills .... AWESOME. Damn some people are stupid.
Sooooo, if anyone knows anyone who might be interested in buying my R34, please let me know. Taking quiet "eoi"s at this stage, as I don't really want to sell it, but have my eye on something different .... mine makes 230rwkw and I just added up a shopping list of mods I have done to it and it totals around $12k of extras. I am hoping for around $25k.
Thanks for the Galliano and vodka jelly shots Lauren .... pity I had to leave early, but had fun nonetheless
yeah I may or may not have dropped by Villi's to say hi with Munro in his new Gun Metallic R35GTR tonight .... Sorry for the dodgy blurry pics, but you get the idea! - IPhone camera at night = fail
^^^^ Is that a sentence? Does anyone else's brain hurt after reading that post? Punctuation is for winners
I don't remember any info on Zombies in Kadina .... however I do remember Cam falling into the ocean (well a little part of it anyhow), and also remember him help me smack myself in the face after I had had a few beverages
Can u please PM me Lauren's address Kye? I won't be staying all night, as I have a poker event at a mate's place to attend (and win some $$$), but will put in an appaerance. Cheers
yes Weezy - please post an asking price/guide as per forum rules or your post will be deleted. I have edited the post to say 18" for you too.
So what speed do you think you were doing? And what was the actual signposted limit where you were done?
I can't believe you are even considering driving unlicenced. By far the biggest factor here is that if you are unlicenced, then you are uninsured - in every respect. Despite the fact you may be driving a registered car, if you are unlicenced and crash into someone and cause them injury, you will be liable for EVERY cent of the cost of their treatment and suffering/hardship. This would easily run into millions of dollars if you caused them a decent injury. Not to mention your car would not be insured, AND you would have to pay for repairs to their car as well. Speed camers AND the new cameras on top of most police cars now have facial recognition ability too - so if a cop is going the other way at any time day or night you could be spotted/photographed and you are as good as in jail. You might have to consider taking taxis to and from work. Expensive yes, but not nearly as expensive as prospective court costs, car repairs and possibly paying form someone's medical treatment out of your own pocket for the rest of your life. Your story doesn't make sense. If you went to court, did you not plead that the speed zone is not what the officer was saying, and did he have a way to substantiate your speed? Was he/she alone in their car? Did he/she have photographic evidence of you speeding, and your speed, or were they following you? Magistrates are by definition extremely intelligent people - what you are saying does not make sense at all. Surely you weren't dumb enough to go to court on such a serious matter without a lawyer? (Especially if driving is that vital to your job).
Vu - make sure the truck taking it there for free has a hydraulic lift system - otherwise don't get it taken for free and get a courier truck that has one
^^^ but they smell like overtym's toilet .... ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Maybe use this as an opportunity to get a nice aftermarket front bar and a vented or carbon fibre bonnet. What you do is get the crash repairer to cost up to do the whole job with new parts - they will cost a bucketload from Nissan. The insurer will then approve the cost to fix. Then you tell the crash repairer you will buy an aftermaket front bar and bonnet, and use the cost of repair from the insurer 'credit' to paint ansd fit the aftermarket parts, and respray the whole car That is pretty much what I did when I crashed my old S15
hey Cara, can you please email me the full size version of that shot of my car you posted? Believe it or not I didn't take a single decent close-up shot of my car on the weekend. Oh, and I remember Luke having a full-on crack at the barmaid and apparently was in-like-Flynn until he lost his chicken schnitzen in the beer garden. And I remember how you got home mate - with all of us taking turns for you to lean on/stagger against. I drew the short straw and somehow got you up the stairs at the Wombat. Not sure how I managed that since I was pretty darn toasted myself.
lol, maybe his "hairdressers" car will be fixed by then
An R31 - a wagon I am guessing