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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. haha, I was on the cruise above. Must have only been about 4 or 5 years ago though, as Munro's blue Falcon ute is there. I also spot Cheeky's old white R32, Suresh's old VX Commie, and what would later become MattR's White R32 too. Not sure why my S15 isn't in that pic - might have left early or something. From memory that is the back of a caravan park down Victor Harbor way.
  2. Payment sent .... sorry have been busy and every time I went to do it got distracted. If you are with ANZ it will come through immmediately.
  3. hey Pete, got your message but didn't have time to call you back. Sucks you couldn't come to Kadina - bloody weak excuse though! You missed out on a huge one bud - was an absolutely blast, despite the weather.
  4. hey Rubes, I'll taker your shagged box off you if you are gonna turf it - might be good for spare parts one day.
  5. errr my response to all people who ask detailed problem analysis on the forums - TAKE IT TO A REPUTABLE SKYLINE MECHANIC. Why muck around with something you clearly don't understand/can't solve yourself?
  6. Haha I thought the EXACT same thing - we were just talking about it Saturday night. Did you hear my air horns, or was I too l late?
  7. Quick update for those interested - finally put the rears in (you just have to bash the rotor very hard from the inside with the handbrake off) and ended up doing the "Nissan" red. Photos below. Rotors are awesome! Thanks a bunch rs73.
  8. Anyone have some for sale? Prefer black. Andrew
  9. OK, so had an awesome time. Great group of people and much fun and many LOLs were had! Thanks for Cara for organising, and congrats to all those that won awards! Luke might kill me for some of these .... but you get that. Damn it my internet dropped out after I had uploaded all of the photos to SAU (hence my deleted post), so now the attachment system buggered up and I can't access those I have already uploaded. So I can't be stuffed uploading them one by one onto SAU again, so below is the link to my FlickR account. Kadina pics But here are a few of my faves
  10. Yep that was me - I was at Autobarn parked near the white R33GTR, a silver R33 gtst with clear led taillights, and another grey R33 gtst .... didn't spot you though Talbo - although I did see a black R33 with blue brake calipers near that time - might that have been you?
  11. Holy Resolution Batman ....
  12. Does anyone have or know of anyone that has some bolt-on spacers lying around I could borrow for a short time to see what size I need? I would really like to see some 20mm's on, but don't want to fork out the cash for some until I am sure. It would be much appreciated.
  13. Do you own a guard roller Luke? I wanna do mine. Then get some 20mm bolt-on spacers to fatten up the stance of the Gram Lights Actually if anyone knows of anyone that has some bolt-on spacers lying around I could borrow for a short time to see what width I need it would be much appreciated. Ok, back on topic .... I thought it is 1pm for 1:30pm departure from City Dismantlers, no?
  14. Golf rulez
  15. hey Abe, have MS actually hardened up the legal oem rules, or are MSY pulling our chains to get us to buy more gear? You used to be able to legally buy oem software if you bought a decent piece of hardware (like a HDD or mobo), but now MSY claim you have to buy a HDD, mobo AND ram to be able to buy oem software. I remember tons of mobs on Ebay used to sell oem software and ship it with a HDD cable or busted floppy drive, and claim they were satisfying oem requirements - but was pretty sure this was never legal.
  16. Guys, you have to actually be an AGENT of the church in some fashion to qualify legally for oem church prices/software .... ie. you actually do work for the church on your PC. They are pretty particular about qualifying for it.
  17. Found the perfect t-shirt for Dan (inline6) http://www.noisebot.com/sarcastic_comment_...ing_t-shirt.htm
  18. Yeah mate, I am there .... when does it come out?
  19. Well, I just got home from seeing the new Ternminator movie with Heslo, Scandy, Ben, Glenn and others .... not a bad movie, but the suspension of disbelief in some of the action scenes really doesn't give the audience enough credit .... all up a good movie though!
  20. Damn Christian .... I am willing to offer my left nut to go for a ride in it when it gets here .... *drool* .... that is a super good price too!
  21. yeah Luke you are welcome to camp on the floor of Sled and my room
  22. "A few showers" is hardly rain .... and this far out they really have NO IDEA. I wouldn't count on rain - it rarely rains in Kadina anyhow.
  23. ^^^ yeah mate, Tyler (my 19 month old little man) was the main reason I sold my S15 and bought a 4 door R34 .... the sacrifices we make! And he really does LOVE the boost - he is always asking me to go faster :D
  24. Yep, count me in for sure. Will get the deposit (and your Win7 CD to you asap).
  25. Spotted (and chatted with) Jenkies and his fine beast at BP Stepney getting some Subway for late breakfast .... damn that thing is porn - was still in Mallala spec with missing front bar and some serious Bridgestone semi-slicks on
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