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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Yeah my S15 only made 200rwkw, but had all the other mods to support whatever turbo I wanted to put on it. I decided that 200rwkw was more than dangerous enough (could slide in any gear), but always thought about putting a Disco Potato on it to make 250rwkwish. Sold it before I made that mistake. Too much power for the street in such a light car. The beauty of the R34 is traction control (and the ability to turn it off if u want). You can happily make that much power AND get it all to the ground.
  2. yeah my old S15 was TONS of fun! I do miss it sometimes.
  3. muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Happy Birthday for tomorrow too Ben - that was your early present from me to you
  4. doh try again
  5. ^^^ haha no need I have already redeemed myself here
  6. lol keep the pics coming Carl - great entertainment
  7. ok, before my inbox gets flooded with death threats from Cara I WAS ONLY JOKING
  8. That's it Cara - a 2 week holiday from the forums for you. You should know better.
  9. hey Steve do they undo/do up normal nuts and bolts? I assume e-torx is not an actual style of nut/bolt, but the ratchet technology? Do you have multiple sets or just the one?
  10. Nightcrawler - double (if no-one wants the extra bed in my room, I will push both beds together - or if they have a Queen or King size bed, I am happy to pay double room price!)
  11. Can one of you guys please scan one and email it to me - or point where me to do it online? Haven't received an email fro Kirshy as yet - I assume he is still away. I won't make it to Villis either.
  12. Seems like I only just offloaded them on you! Put them up on ns.com sure you'll sell them quick enough. I disagree Troy - the best (and one of the few good things) about the USA is churros. I could eat them until I look like a nig fat churro. I actually found a chain that sells them called "Churroz" in Melbourne (not as good as USA ones though), and there is also a churros bus/van at the Queen Vic markets. Wish we had them here. +1 to any sort of Krispy Kremes - I don't know how many online petitions (which admittedly do nothing) I have signed to try and pressure someone into opening a store in Adelaide. I heard whispers some time ago that the were going to open one in Rundle St, but it of course never happened.
  13. I completely disagree - I wish they had the resources to put up 200 breathos every single night. If you have more than 1 drink an hour and drive a car, then you are a stupid f**king tool who deserves to die. The number of people who still drink drive is bloody insane, and the worst thing is that the vast majoirt of accidents they are involved in the other party dies, and the drunk person survives .... this is completely the wrong way it should be. There is no excuse - I actually wish they made the law 0% tolerance, like many other coutries around the world. If you want to have ANY alcolohol to drink, then don't drive. Make other plans. It is as easy as that. I think they should quadruple all penalties, effective immediately.
  14. ah yeah that would help too. My email is andnus at adam.com.au
  15. Krishy can you please email me a copy of the entry form too? Cheers
  16. Teh Interwebz am srs bizness
  17. I definitely don't hate NS, but observe that the vast majority of posters 1). are under 18 years of age, and tend to show their lack of maturity in their comments and posts, and 2). the vast majority of users actually don't even own a car - yet are happy to shell out advice and opinions as though they are gospel. SAU users used to tend to be exclusively older, as the price of the cheapest import Skyline was $30k+. However, these days I feel a large part of the deterioration of SAU is the fact that a turbo Skyline can be had for well under $10k, and this opens the forum up to a myriad of younger users, who tend to type before they think on occassion. Another big factor is the clampdown by SAPOL on imports scaring people away from the scene, or more significantly forcing users to be much more private in their discussions of mods/cars/cruises, which makes it seem as if less goes on around here. Just my observations.
  18. I bloody knew it was a setup and still clicked on it .... WTF
  19. ^^ cool, no problems Steve ... drop it back in the same place whenever you want. Troy - thanks mate - looks awesome on the Samsung 24"
  20. That is a bloody awesome shot there Troy! Any chance of getting it in high res - something like 1920 x 1200?
  21. yeah mate, sorry forgot to reply. All I can say is the ECS 512Mb DDR2 9500GT is a cheap no-name p.o.s., and the XFX 256Mb DDR3 7600GT is a high quality chipset and brand card (was the flagship model back in the day), which cost me $350 just over 2 years ago. They are not in the same league imho. But you do what you want - $70 is the price, otherwise I will keep it for when I make a media centre box one day (which is more than likely in the very immediate future). Else I am happy to swap the card for a set of those fancy ratchet spanners you have
  22. I once made the huge mistake of trying V-Power in my S15 - car ran like a dog and started pinging its ring off. Luckily I had only put in half a tank, so could top it up with decent fuel and some octane booster so I could drive the thing.
  23. Yes, I have formal approval for a leave pass from the +1. So, please book me a room. Double or king size bed preferred. Not concerned about cost - is there a spa room by any chance, or an executive suite? So, meet 3pm Saturday at Gepps X sounds good and we all cruise from there. I want to get home as early as possible Sunday, so would probably do the bolt straight after judging/as soon as we can get our cars out on Sunday.
  24. yes I am very happy about them opening up a yard there! Used to be Motorcity Imports a little while ago, but they never had any particularly great cars. However, the new Synergy yard often has some awesome cars out the front. I drive past there up to 10 times a day to get to and from my home ofice and am always rubber-necking going past
  25. So, who is going up Saturday, and what time are they going? Staying up there Sat night, getting on the piss, recovering under a shade during the car show Sunday, then driving back after judging would be my preference. If I do go, despite entering my car in the show, I am not really going for the show (as my car is a looooooong way from a show car), but more going to catch up with peeps and do the social thing. Hence all the questions.
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