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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Hi Nick, as you are an interstater I will leave this post up for a couple of days, but normally non-car-related stuff is not tolerated as new threads in the SA section - I tell everyone to take it to the Wasteland. We had the forum constanly filling up with the most rubbish threads, so I put a stop to it. I will leave the thread here until Wednesday.
  2. I have broached the subject with the missus (unsuccessfully initially), but will work on her further. Biggest problem is we have a couple of other things on that she would then have to go to with the little one by herself. What day/time is everyone thinking of cruising over, and what is the likely return day/time? I assume we would much prefer to cruise over as a big group.
  3. ^^ You obviously have never had your defected to discover what an absolute nightmare it is to get off defect. My advice would be to bin the idea mate, as the very first cop you go even remotely near at night will defect you - as A pillar gauges stick out like dog's balls (especially when they are lit up at night).
  4. and just to let people know, selling things for a 'mate' or 'uncle' is strictly against forum rules .... so cut it out already. Not having read the forum rules is not excuse for ignorance.
  5. and no doubt the feral Southern Cross sticker on the rear windscreen gave it an extra 10rwkw - to literally double its power output ....
  6. ^^^^ ewwww Limewire. Might as well just go and download some viruses voluntarily.
  7. Hahahaha the Wasteland is so 1337! There is a car getting around Adelaide with that number plate .... also seen one that says "WTF" .... nice
  8. Dave if you need a hand putting the turbo back on give me a yell and I will come help too. If you can give me a day or 2 notice I can book my work around it. FYI those water lines are an absolute bitch to get back on - the inside one particularly. Fun, fun, fun. Mmmmmmmmmmm titanium .... I bet the retail on that bad boy is well the wrong side of $5k
  9. Damo are you sure you haven't accidentally activated some 'super power saving' mode, which makes the backlight switch off? I take it you are running off a power supply, not battery - are you sure it is working properly?
  10. Generally speaking in SA, if your pod is securely mounted (mine is screwed in with a piece of metal affixed to one of the original pod filter box screws below the pod) then you will be fine.
  11. Are the tanks round or slimline Dean? I am after something approx. 2.5m x 0.5m wide x 3m long to go down the side of my shed. Got anything at the right price?
  12. Your problem is Luke that I bet they don't make an R34 pump - heaps of people told me that R33 pumps are exactly the same, but Nissan confirmed that they definitely are not. They also aid anything but oem pumps will root your engine. But I suppose Nissan say that about all non-oem parts. Same as clutch fans - everyone tells you that R33 and R34 are the same, but I found out the hard way they are slightly different bolt pattern.
  13. Why the hell would you buy a water pump from Sprints and not Nissan? With important oem stuff Nissan is the only way to go imho.
  14. ok Ben and Simon. Thanks for ignoring my post above regarding becoming an SAU site sponsor, but if you haven't responded to me within 24 hours this post is gone and you get an official warning. It is not fair for you to plug your business on here for free, when other businesses do the right thing and pay sponsorship fees.
  15. Completely agree. YAY if the other track does eventuate. Yes, there is nothing quite like thousands of horsepower at WOT - the smell, vibration and general ejaculation
  16. I think it has been more than 8 year since top fuelers .... sorry I thought you were referring to street meets. Sorry to tell you, but no matter what you will never see competition top fuelers at AIR ever again - the dramatic and complete withdrawal of ANDRA certification and support some time ago guarantees that. And while BJ owns the complex, it will never meet ANDRA requirements. The cost to do this and repair bridges would heavily outweigh any possible future investment I would have thought. Sad to say, but my hope is fading of ever racing there again ....
  17. ^^^ lol, pity AIR has been closed for under 4 years.
  18. ^^^ what price can you get that bonnet for Cara? I am interested pending price. Have been looking at going vented for summer for ages. Would run my stock bonnet in winter though - as lots of water in your engine bay sucks.
  19. Spotted Damo in his white beast pimping it down Grand Junction Road opposite the Valley View par 3 this arvo (I was driving the wife's Accord euro so you wouldn't have seen me). Spotted Munro whipping my ass at pool at my place tonight over a bottle of Johnny Walker Green and some James Squires Golden Ales .... owww my head hurts now, so I am off to bed.
  20. Ben - Adam don't charge for uploads as such, but whichever is highest out of your downloads and uploads is what is counted. ie. If you have a 60Gb month plan you can theoretically download 59.99Gb AND upload 59.99Gb without busting your cap. And as of 17 May you can download 59.99Gb between 8am and midnight, download 59.99Gb between midnight and 8am, AND upload 59.99Gb and not bust your cap. Awesome! And since I do little P2P and mostly use Usenet, I don't have to upload to maintain ratios - so the 60Gb uploads is definitely not a problem. Anyone not using Newsbin is wasting their connection - I max out my speed on everything!
  21. Sorry Steve, but you asked for it: ^^^^ Love it! Yeah I know your pain 93GTST - I live in Northgate - a whole 7 km from the city, and am on a RIM, so can't get ADSL2 .... and to rub salt into the wounds the new section of Northgate across the road (Lightsview) is about to be one of the first places in Aus running door to door Fibre = up to 100Mbit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a theoretical max of 10Mb download per second. I am going to offer to pay for Fibre to be cabled from their point of entry to my house, but I am willing to bet they won't play ball, or will ask for some ludicrous sum like $10k to do it .... in which case I would have to think very hard about it - and have a fair job convincing the wife $10k is a worthy investment.
  22. Furk me I have never seen a lappie with a 20" screen! Look at the screen size compared to the keyboard to get an idea of the lappie's size. http://www.graysonline.com.au/lot.asp?LOT_ID=3591577 Talk about the least portable laptop ever .... but would be awesome to have one with a screen that size as a desktop replacement.
  23. cruzin 33 you are getting absolutely raped by Te$tra - why anyone would ever be with them is beyond me .... like Ben said, comparable plans to yours are less than half the price with anyone else. I pay $120 per month for 60Gb (which is about to be doubled to 60Gb peak, 60Gb off-peak for no extra charge) with Adam, and that is no crappy ADSL1+, which is more expensive than ADSL2+. And yes, I bust my download quote every month. Hence my array of 4Tb total storage
  24. hey Steve, just got the DVD from my letterbox - cheers bud! I take it that is not the communal copy, but mine to keep?!
  25. Hehe not quite finished reports yet, but having a bit of a break ..... Nah mate, it is the wife's birthday tomorrow so am taking her and Tyler out to lunch. Can u burn a copy for me and chuck it in my letterbox? I will be your best friend .... but is cool if u don't, as I won't be upgrading my PC for a few more weeks yet - so is no hurry. I am still running the Beta on my Sempron 3000+ box.
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