Sorry Steve, but you asked for it:
^^^^ Love it!
Yeah I know your pain 93GTST - I live in Northgate - a whole 7 km from the city, and am on a RIM, so can't get ADSL2 .... and to rub salt into the wounds the new section of Northgate across the road (Lightsview) is about to be one of the first places in Aus running door to door Fibre = up to 100Mbit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a theoretical max of 10Mb download per second.
I am going to offer to pay for Fibre to be cabled from their point of entry to my house, but I am willing to bet they won't play ball, or will ask for some ludicrous sum like $10k to do it .... in which case I would have to think very hard about it - and have a fair job convincing the wife $10k is a worthy investment.