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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. hey, I am only 32
  2. Some of you need to learn respect for your elders. Respect the Mods. Respect Donnon (as pointed out he was tuning cars and running 10s before nearly all of you even had licenses). I have spoken with Sled this morning and given him open slather to give people who piss him off a WEEK holiday from the forums. We also monitor ips, so just try to open a new account if you get given a holiday. This is going to stop. I do not want any responses, case closed - week-long bans will be issued shortly.
  3. My big argument for a drag strip is that if people have a safe place they can go and get it off their chest, then they are less likely to feel a need to do it on the road. Whilst Mallala is great, it is a significant expense to do a track day (not the just entry fee, but rather a set of tyres, a set of brakes, fuel, breakages due to driving so hard), whereas anyone can drive out to AIR, do 10 runs, and drive home at little cost (of course things can break, but much less so than ripping for 10 minutes near full revs around Mallala at a time). I am positive I remember reading on several occasions about the decrease in the amount of hoon activity after WSID etc opened twice a week for public drags. Nothing but education will lessen hoon behaviour, but if a drag strip lessens it by 10% or a few deaths per year, it is money very well spent imho. And as pointed out, such a venue would actually make a PROFIT, especially if they were smart enough to house drifting events there too. Seems like a win-win to me - pity the State Goverment is much more interested in penalising the masses with speed cameras, than actually addressing the problem at its root causes.
  4. The big problem is Michael, that we have had an influx of (particularly young) people join up recently, and we had noticed the quality of posts going down, and the quantity of new posts/threads going up (and I had many members PM me and complaint his exact point a few months back). Too quickly we were becoming like NS.com, with far too much immature bickering and pointless/needless threads, and the time it took to sift through all the rubbish to find car related threads was ridiculous. So the decision was made to put on some more mods, and to start policing things around here more closely. How do you think we should have handled things? Let the 10+ new threads per day of mostly useless crap continue? Let people shoot their mouths off about whatever they like, victimising and slandering others? Fill the pages of SA SAU with worthless drivel about every topic under the sun? Let's face it - with the current hostile situation between import drivers and police, the 'watering down' of maturity of SAU members (I am not intending to sound condescending here), and a large increase in member numbers (and subsequent newly-created threads) - something had to be done, and I think we have gone the right way about it. I hear your complaint, but how else would you have it be?
  5. have you joined a job-finding agency. So many jobs don't even get publicly advertised these days and go straight to agencies .... no matter what your skills/qualifications. There are also a host of online mobs who do this.
  6. ROFLMAO - Rick Rolling via mobile now ....
  7. ok everyone calm down. Ripper is obviously young and didn't think about what he was posting or thought about the ramifications. Ripper, please tone it down. Everyone else, give the kid a break. I have deleted and cleaned up the posts. No more - I don't have time
  8. wow that story sucks Amanda, but great to hear you are both ok. You would actually be surprised how many babies need to be revived after birth - a staggeringly high number .... but they normally seem to turn out fine. Stay in hospital as long as you can - you have free food, no chores, visitors bringing gifts, and if anything else goes wrong you are safe. Definitely DON'T take up any offers of vouchers etc to go home early - just stay in there and take it easy for as long as you can. Once you are home you have to run around like a mad chook looking after Amber, and that is particularly hard for the 1st 6 weeks after a C-section. Hope it all continues to go well! Our thought and prayers are with you.
  9. EB Games are having a massive sale atm fyi. Many games and other items are 2 for $50. I picked up Assassin's Creed and Crysis Warhead for a grand total of $50 yesterday. Bargain - especially since Assassin's Creed was still priced at $89.94 and Warhead at $49.95. Now I say good bye to another large chunk of my rarely available free time
  10. haha thanks for inducing a laughing/coughing fit in me Penny .... still coughing .... damn cold FTL ....
  11. /puts my hand up for a job in Pete's future club
  12. My car pings its ring off with this crap in it as well. Buyer beware
  13. Parked our car in Jetty Road, Largs North on Saturday afternoon. We had two (2) Port Power season tickets sitting on the dashboard. Some bastard broke into the car and LEFT TWO MORE!
  14. It cannot be understated how much damage getting up 3-6 times a night to put dummy back in/comfort/change poopy nappy does to you .... luckily Carolyn gets up most times, but she jumps up in such a huff it normally wakes me up anyhow. Enjoy sleep while you can get it.
  15. Hope it all goes well Amanda. Carolyn was induced with Tyler - started at 9am and didn't finish delivering until 9pm - was a long day, but worth it Here is a recent pic of the cheeky little guy
  16. My R34 came with 255/40/17 G3s on the rear and they were absolutely awesome in all conditions. Problem is due to the unusual size, when I went replace them was quoted over $400 each. Fail
  17. so what power is she making now Brendan?
  18. haha yeah I scammed one for Shaun (Evil34) as well .... since he is nice enough to be taking me to the Nova Breakfast in the XXXX tent .... Dave is right - I might be walking funny for a few days with all the favours I had to put out there ....
  19. ah bugger Dave .... so which is it?
  20. hey Dave, sell it to Sled .... after all I am giving you a Gold Pass instead of him, since I committed to taking you first .... he might not come now as he has to cough up the $50 and can only come after lunch - I am sure he would be more motivated to come if he only has to pay $25. PM or ring him asap
  21. ^^^ I still have about 5 hours of reports to type tonight .... after 12 hours of inspections today .... then get some sleep before getting up at 5:30am to be at The Clipsal by 6:45am to have Nova 91.9 bbq Brekkie .... after 4 hours sleep last night too .... not sure how I am going to stay awake. Wooooooooooooooooooooo Clipsal!
  22. Far out Talbo, if I was you I'd go easy .... that was a big knee-jerk reaction to a fairly harmless (and in fact in some ways reinforcing) post by Sled .... you had better hope he is in a good mood when he reads that, as if he is not I suspect you might get a little holiday from the forums
  23. I tracked down the full video of the jet crash posted earlier. If you do not like gore and blood, do NOT watch this clip. It is 22Mb, so those with slow internet be prepared to wait!
  24. ^^^ when chatting with David Kosh at length at a luncheon last year, he predicted a fall in the A$ (before it happened). In his opinion (which is not the be-all and end-all, but lets face it he has been around the traps for a very long time) , at parity we become dangerously in danger of the whole world not wanting to buy resources/grain/exports from us, and that the long therm goal of the RBA and the general money men in Aus, is for A$1=US$0.75. He said that it will climb above this for relatively short periods, then drop below it for relatively short periods, but at the end of the day the average will be around US$0.75. So there you go.
  25. ^^^ WHY ARE YOU YELLING? ah, well that is a bit bizarre. That information was given to me by Craig at Main North Nissan, who knows his Skylines inside and out, backwards and forwards. I was going to put an N1 pump in mine when I replaced it and he advised me very strongly against it and told me the story I repeated. He talked me out of spending extra $$ on the N1 pump, so it was actually against Nissan's interest to tell me that. Weird. But let me guarantee you - when your water pump is not working properly (like mine wasn't) then you easily cook your car and hit 100 degrees in 5 minutes flat in hot weather .... I can assure you that as fact. Despite me having an aftermarket radiator, oil cooler and twin thermos it STILL cooked, as the water pump was transporting very little water around the engine. It is a heat transfer system, so if the pump is not pumping enough water around, you cook. Easy as that. The design of the N1 pumps is much more hollowed out on the outer housing which stops the top end cavitation. This does however result in much lower flow during lower engine revs/revolutions of the water pump/belts. Think about the logic. I am just repeating what I was told by Nissan's top parts guy in Aus He sells a LOT of Skyline parts to a LOT of punters, and businesses alike. Hey Chad, next 35+ degree day go warm up your car then let it sit out in the sun and idle for 10 minutes. I bet you your water temp reaches and exceeds 100 degrees C! Might be good to test out the theory and graph the temps. But hey, if yours works fine then maybe I am wrong.
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