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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. ^^^ Dan, are you aware that N1 water pumps are only good for pure track cars? 5 minutes idling at the traffic lights in hot weather will pretty much cook your motor with an N1 water pump - as they are made for constant high revs and the anti-cavitation design of them causes very poor water circulation at low (idle) revs. Just a thought.
  2. LOL - haven't had your morning coffees yet Krishy?
  3. There actually is a 'wanted to buy' thread you know .... I will let this thread stand though, since there is some constructive stuff in here ...
  4. I wonder how many times Jim has been on A Current Affair in a sting showing off his slimy tactics? .... How can he even still be in business? Pity the poor fool that buys anything off this blatant liar.
  5. When and where are you lads doing this Dave? I might pop over and say hi. Want me to bring my big jack?
  6. Nah mate I am only 32 Yep, name the date and I am sure I will attend - as long as it's not Clipsal weekend.
  7. My brother-in-law flew into Melbourne this morning and has a private 1 on 1 with the 2 Super Hornets tomorrow at Avalon, the lucky bugger!
  8. Maybe you didn't catch the bulletin Ruby, but non-car-related posts like this are no longer acceptable on SA SAU. I don't want to come off as a Nazi/ass, but if you want to have a chat about things like this (or your new tattoo/haircut/divorce/toys/job/girlfriend/etc etc) then take it to the Wasteland, one of the non-car-related sections of SAU, or one of the plethora of social networking sites/forums on the Internet. Due to the large volume of complaints from members to me about bs/non-car-related posts from a host of different people, I have started to crack down and try to get SAU back to what it is supposed to be - a CAR forum. Thread closed.
  9. This topic has been covered 1,000 times before. Please use the search function instead of making a new useless post. Or better still, download the SA/ADR rules and find out for yourself, or even better yet ring Regency and ask them yourself. Don't rely on 2nd hand information is my advice.
  10. We get dozens of new SA members join up every week. If everyone posted a 'hello' thread like you have done, then the SA section would be full of nothing but 'hello'' threads. Thread moved to the appropriate forum.
  11. For the sake of less than a couple of hundred dollars, why would you risk blowing up your engine by messing with it yourself? Take it to a mechanic who can set it up properly and check your tune on a dyno.
  12. I don't want to sound like an ass, but SAU has a 'Newbie' forum for introducing yourself here: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Ne...tions-f182.html I will move this thread there shortly.
  13. We have a stickied 'Insurance' thread right at the top of the SA forums. Please follow the link below http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/In...ad-t254306.html If you are after any further info, please use the forum's search function, rather than make a new duplicated thread.
  14. I don't think anyone has crossed the line of good taste in this thread, but please pull the future comments back a tad guys. I know you are angry, but please don't be offensive or blatantly racist (which some of the comments herein could be construed as). I will, however, stand up and say that the racial minority mentioned here do have a significantly higher rate of involvement in crime and disturbance in SA per capita, compared to 'white people'. If you don't believe me, then you haven't been living on this planet. The percentage of reported thefts and incidents on SAU and NS.com involving indigenous people is vastly higher than that percentage of the population, so sweeping generalisations are not totally unwarranted IMHO.
  15. I would also like a washer bottle that fits in despite my ic piping. I assume if Damo got one made up it would fit my car too? I can supply my oem washer bottle motor if he wants to integrate it (which would be preferable).
  16. A random pic of me in Hollywood - look 'who' I am sitting 'on' - Gojira!
  17. hey, I seem to have somehow accidentally deleted the prices you PMd me. Can you please resend me all the available bits for an R34GTT including pads? Postage to Northgate, SA, 5085 too please.
  18. ^^^ if your R33 is a series 1, I have a full set of 100% working coil packs sitting here you can have for $100. They were working when pulled out of the car.
  19. I absolutely love my dual 10,000rpm Raptors - I have one for each os. Dang that is one kick-ass setup there Tangles .... I am hanging to upgrade my Phenom system, but can't be stuffed doing a fresh reinstall of everything - I have my system set up just how I likes it. Ah well, the Phenom will hang in there for a while yet.♠
  20. ^^^ at Northfield you mean? Yep I saw a black R34 with black wheels parked on the street by the cricket nets - yay, looks like we finally spotted each other
  21. ^^^ zomg, given Advan tri spokes are without a shadow of a doubt the most disliked rim in the entire universe, surely every Nissan wrecker in town has 10 sets ripped off imports the moment they hit our shores - go hunting Dave. In case you didn't get it above, I agree with the billion other people who expressed their extreme hatred for tri-spoke rims .... but each to their own - Dori-Dori likes them
  22. Enjoy, more to come when I get back. www.Flickr.com/andnus2002
  23. Too cute Flick! New kitty FTW! Happy Birthday for this coming Monday too! Sorry I won't be in the state for a piss up and some pool on Saturday night
  24. Well we are to to Melbourne in the morning for the Motor Show .... can't wait. Tyler's first trip on an aeroplane too - I have tried explaining the concept of air travel to him, but a 16 month old boy seem to only be interested in something called "Wiggles Dadadadadadad" .... go figure. Will be fun for him anyhow - as he loves the acceleration of the R34 - so will no doubt be thoroughly entertained by the thrust of a 737 taking off So I will be missing until Monday night unless I can be arsed logging in on my IPhone. Rest assured I will bring back MANY photos! Hopefully they will have a few GTRs there, but I am not counting my chickens. So, everyone behave or Pete and Luke will use their big sticks
  25. yeah I bust my 60Gb every month .... Here we go again:
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