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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Just got my 34 back from the workshop. Took it there to replace the water pump, and not only does my car now stay icy cool (old pump was corroded and cavitating badly), but the rattle from my engine bay is GONE! A few of you would have heard the rattly beast on the cruise last week or at bowling a while back - and it is NOT top end issues - it was just the damn water pump. So, no rebuild for me after all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am heading down to Vili's to get my calendar at about 7:30pm - will catch up with some of you there
  2. a mate sent me this pic he took in London the other day whilst on holidays - pure porn
  3. Pretty sure I saw this car yesterday on Grand Junction Road - had an orange vented bonnet and looked tough as. Damage's has a black bonnet, correct?
  4. spotted a very tough sounding grey R32 4 door with black bonnet going into Repco on North East Road at Modbury yesterday - VERY ,VERY nice sound!
  5. you guys clearly haven't read the actual article - end A will still be the same physical size of current USB. The pic on the link is for end B. End A from the full article below:
  6. I think SAU cruises have become too common. I think the old system of private PMs, private meet spots and times, discreet places (not cruising Anzacs or the Bay on a Fri or Sat night), and no friends cars/hanger-onners/non-Skylines (unless established forum members). I think it is very unreasonable for the police to need to be notified of any of our activities. If they see us doing illegal things on a cruise, then pull us over and fine/defect us, fair enough. But to be popping all bonnets is just ridiculous and borderline victimisation. If the government really gave a toss about kids getting killed on our roads they would 1). Allow/force free defensive driver training courses, and 2). build us a drag strip so we actually have somewhere to blow off steam.
  7. yep and I will be a bit hit and run, since we have people coming over for lunch at 12pm.
  8. ^^^ +1, very nice photos there!
  9. haha lucky you didn't see it close up bud! (It's not really that clean). Hope the funeral was bearable ....
  10. Yikes - I have an appointment to value a house in that street tomorrow morning .... hope it is not still cordoned off for investigations.
  11. What thermos are you putting in Adrian? I bought a thumping 12" thermo off Ebay to put in my 34 and took the clutch fan out. Biggest mistake ever - cooling is much less effective than the stock clutch fan and shroud. I think it may be cos I didn't put a shroud in with the thermo - not sure. People/machanics have since pointed out to me that Nissan CHOSE to put in the clutch fan setup to suit the car - so it is best not to mess with it. If they though thermos would do a better job, then they would have used thermos when they built the cars. I am looking for an R34 clutch fan to put back in my car and piss the thermo fan off. It is not performing, and it is so damn noisy compared with the clutch fan.
  12. So mine isn't tasteful? What car were you in mate? I saw a few 'Lines today, but don't remember seeing one when I as out there. A few 'Lines of note: - Was behind a red Stag turning into The Sanctuary at Mawson Lakes - super clean silver R34 door with NSW plates turning off Wright Rd onto McIntyre Road - White Stag with Iron Chef sticker on the back on Folland Ave, Northgate - white? R32 on The Golden Way - gave a wave, got a wave and a few others I can't really remember.
  13. Paid $24 just now via dd. Payment details To Payee: SAU calendar Account BSB: 105186 Account Number: 031757440 Account Name: Felicity Purcell Message / Reference: Nightcrawler SAU Amount $: $24.00 Receipt number: 293900 Cheers Flick!
  14. Screen printing for such a small number would cost shitloads (as much of the cost is held in setting up the template) ... but maybe Jas can do t-shirt pics?
  15. haha yeah Krishy that really was an awesome shot - especially since you couldn't actually see me - you just knew where I was hiding.
  16. The mag is around A$28 on its own, and shipping for 1 unit is around $17 - I assume shipping would be cheaper for multiple units .... depending on how many people want them we will just divvy up the shipping.
  17. Is anyone else interested in one of these (click)? Written in Japanese, but over 140 pages of some of the most porn R35GTRs around. Very nice coffee table style book/mag. I want to share postage with some people - is one on its own postage costs nearly as much as the mag.
  18. I saw it and it was spectacular Son! The best recovery from falling over, then turning it into a McGuyver style Rambo roll .... gotta watch out for those thorny blackberry bushes though
  19. hehe no problem - that was definitely my shot of the day .... a close second to when I flanked the red teams asses in the 2nd to last fort map, and got 4 nice kills in a row Glad everyone had a good time and enjoyed those sausages - yes those pretty young girls definitely did like my sausage - they even came back for 2nds he is going to be one VERY sore boy in the morning .... was great to watch! Nearly as great as him owning Glenn in the Mexican standoff when Glenn ran out of ammo lol
  20. Yeah thanks guys for a great turnout in the end - 16 was a great number. Had a ball, and like I said, I will organise another one for maybe March next year, or sooner if everyone is dead keen and doesn't mind the hot weather. Sucks to be those that didn't come
  21. Great cruise, as usual Kel. Nice to see some old faces and meet a few new ones
  22. They have their own club ....
  23. It is an engineering piece of art .... and people make serious power with them, that they just cannot make with a normal block Nice find Steve - you do realise of course that it would cost you $10k+ to get it here including shipping, taxes and GST?! Seems the price has come down somewhat .... mind you, it doesn't look like that is coming directly from OS Giken (with all of their associated knowledge and warranty that comes with it), so I guess it is from a cheaper distributor or something. Also sounds a bit fishy, since it says in 1 place 3lt (2996), but in other places it says 3.15lt. I guess that is a head gasket and piston stroke issue maybe.
  24. Go some silver with polished lip 19" x 9.5" Nismo LMGT4s with 275s stretched over them Pete *drool*
  25. ok, so who agrees "make yourself useful get me a beer" is the shirt we should get? We obviously have plenty more time, and don't have to have that shirt, if we wish to find a ruder alternative or order the ones I pointed out last page off the interweb. Chops is heading back to the USA in a few weeks - is there a possibility we could get the shirts sent to your US work address and you bring them home to save on (the presumably very expensive) postage? This is a democracy - speak up people.
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