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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. I LOL every time I read his name .... "Norm Angerman" If you can get dropped to Bunnings Mile End, then there will be tons of cars willing to give you a lift. You can come in my 34 if you want.
  2. cool guys .... yeah Luke you can bring dudes as long as they are decent fellas. I am bringing along a few mates to make sure we have adequate numbers.
  3. Attending and have made the deposit: 1. Me 2. Eddy 3. Eddy's friend 4. Heslo 5. Damo 6. Jugz 7. Nos Man 8. Nos Man's friend OK, after a bit of a false start with Eddifier organising it, I have taken over the paintballing day out. He was doing a good job, but people just weren't coming up with deposits. Now about 20 people expressed interest in his post, then almost no-one gave him a deposit. It is a cool cruise down to Kuitpo, and if you control your trigger finger will only cost $25, as Eddy has graciously given me a voucher for $10 off each person (it is normally $35 for those bad at maths). So for those keyboard and fps warriors, this is your chance to shoot some people for real. I have done it a few times and can guarantee that it is a LOT of fun! So, put your money where your mouth is and post below, and at the same time direct debit me $10 deposit. I need this to get the ball rolling. I will also take up bbq meat and take a few bucks off people who want a few snags for lunch on the day. Details are as follows: When: 16th of November 10AM Where: Paintball Sports (Kuitpo Field) (There is a map on the info sheets) Cost: $25pp ($10 deposit required from everyone playing) which includes 100 paintballs, and equipment use. (with the vouchers, $35 without. $20 per 100 paintballs after the first 100) Minimum Age: 12 Minimum group: 10 although if the group is smaller they might be able to join two groups. My account details are as follows: Andrew Nuske bsb: 015208 account: 540161753 Please put your username as reference! Cmon people - it is an awesome 1.5 hour cruise down there, the weather will be perfect (mid-November is my favourite time of year), and it will be awesome fun with a bbq at the end and cruise back into town. So I think a meet-up at Bunnings Mile End at 8:15am would be the go, and we leave at 8:30am SHARP!
  4. I have a nice Octagonal 120lt tank that did have well over $500 worth of marine fish and coral in it, until I bought my dream fish - a Flame Angel (for the bargain price of $200). Unbeknownst to me it had a fungal eye infection when I bought it, which deteriorated over the next 3 weeks, and after $100 of medications and carry-on later, it, and my whole tank of fish/coral was dead. I chucked the tank and all the gear out in the shed and that was it. I am actually about to re-do the tank with freshwater tropical - I have a little 40Lt Jebo tank here in my office wiht a few Rainbow Gouramis and half a dozen colourful guppies, which I will chuck in the re-done tank. No more marine for me Craig - unless you are prepared to buy an external canister filter, 2 mechanical internal filters, internal protein skimmer, $200+ of live rock, religiously change at least 20% of water, spend the $10 per week on salt to keep the salt levels up in the tank, spend a minimum of $60 per fish (and up to $200 each for the really good fish) to stock it, then I wouldn't even dream about trying a marine tank. It is a very big and expensive commitment. But they look unbelievable when set up and maintained correctly.
  5. USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. +1 .... a contact of mine can get them in 17" for $850 a set without tyres. And I can't get $1,000 (with tyres) for my awesome super lightweight mega-dished Enkei Circlars (recently repainted), so I am not sure how Chinese ripoff, heavy Drift Teks can be worth anywhere near that .... no offense meant Damo - I just call it as I see it
  7. bleh, I can't get the damn thing to embed Here is the link: oh, and it is no RB, but I think it sounds porn .... VERY angry!
  8. Welcome to SAU Farid ... hope you buy a Skyline soon I think it was you I chatted with via PM on AussieExotics?
  9. Dang that is a lot of cool car photos. Amazing too that there are at least 2 Adelaide cars in that bunch!
  10. What power did you pull Mark? Looks HOT!!!
  11. haha yeah it is still in 'driving back from Balgowan' spec, having done a few dirt roads and collected about 1,000,000 bugs .... might have time to give it a wash tomorrow
  12. I didn't watch any of the ARIAs, but Faker were pretty damn good at Big Day Out this year .... but I was pretty smashed by that stage Does the lead singer of Faker remind anyone else of Robert Smith of The Cure fame? Voice, mannerisms, reliance on alcohol/medication to dance ....
  13. I massively wish someone would teach me how to use usenet. The vast majority of my 40Gb 'internal' data on Adam does not get used.
  14. pfft nice giving photographic genius some reference when posting their photos Ben (Mine are the 16:9 ones fyi) Nah j/k mate. Was a great trip .... I am very sunburnt due to not wearing any sunscreen (as I hate the stuff), gained 2.5kg over the weekend due to Ben's great cooking and snacks, and ready for about 20 hours sleep (but have about 20 hours of work to do tomorrow after taking Friday off) Ah well, those are the breaks. The fishing was bloody awesome though - as were the fresh beer battered whiting I cooked up for dinner last night. There is nothing like cooking and eating an animal less than 2 hours after you have killed and filleted it As Ben said, it would have been a bit more of a party setup if more people had come. Luckily the boat skipper found 4 more people to come on the charter to make up numbers, else the 4 of us would been up for the $500 extra to make the minimum charter fee, which would have sucked. Then I would have been coming after that certain individual who did not even have the courtesy to respond to Ben and my PMs (yet had 2 solid positions booked from the very beginning) for $$$. Still had to pay for accommodation for 8, but that meant we could well and truly stretched out in a 2 storey house that could easily have slept 12.
  15. Zomg use the search function ffs. There are 1,000 threads about this ....
  16. LOL - I am waaaaaaaaay too afraid to park my R34 on the road even for 5 minutes in Salis/Eliz - when I have to value out there I only park in people's driveways and peek out the window every 30 seconds. But Steve is right - thieves don't steal from each other (plus they can't hold on to/look after anything nice for more than 5 minutes without hocking it) - they come down to nice suburbs like mine and steal all our good stuff, then take it to back the Eliz or Salis Trash Collectors (Cash Converters). But, sweeping generalisations aside ....
  17. nah mate, we are leaving tomorrow at 1pm .... still hoping you will come - Ben was devastated when I gave hm the news a few minutes ago
  18. Took a carload of rubbish items to the Wingfield dump today .... after I unloaded came back to the weighbridge and came in at 1,640kg - so minus me 87kg the 4 door comes in at 1,553kg with a full tank of fuel and fully wet. So around 1,480kg dry by my calculations. I have always dreamed of having an SAU drag/dyno day at AIR where we corner weigh each car, then dyno each car, then run them down the strip. We could then graph weigh vs power vs 1/4 mile times .... how much fun would that be? Might consider organising it if AIR ever opens again.
  19. Babow - your word against a cop. Cop = win you = fail How did you not realise it was a cop when you were running from them - and how were you running, if you claim you weren't breaking the speed limit? If you were driving at the speed limit, by definition you wouldn't have been 'running'. I am sure there were probably 4 cops in 2 cars that saw you speeding .... you are screwed. If someone is following me I actually slow down or pull over - then see what they do. If they (don't put on party lights) and pull over behind you then you should go. Or if they ram you, then sure, flee. But otherwise be cool. Else this is what happens.
  20. In fact his whole website is absolutely brilliant. I am just reading through his most popular section entitled "Steve, don't eat it!". Absolutely hilarious, and totally disgusting. Some of my fave quotes (for those who can't be bothered to go read it): "Okay, here we go-- Pulling back the lid (not recommended) lets loose an odor that punches you in the nose like a stinky fist. If you've ever smelled a can of dog food, it's just like that. Only imagine you are opening the can while your head is wedged in a horse's ass." "I must admit that my aversion to drinking breast milk is something of a double-standard. Let me try to put this as delicately as I can out of respect to my female readers... but some women have been known to willingly "ingest" a certain dubious "body fluid" made by men, during moments of "intimacy." (These moments are known as "blow jobs." These women are known as "awesome.")" "I found it slightly unsettling that the sealed styrofoam container had creepy little airholes in it. As if what was inside needed to breathe. I dared to lift the lid, which made me regret that I needed to breathe. The natto was coated in some kind of sick slime and had the complex yet playful aroma of a dumpster in July. "Actually, the little pile inside looked kinda like baked beans. It also smelled kinda like baked beans. If they were baked in the filthy heat of Satan's asshole." "The entire experience is difficult to describe, but if you can remember back to the very first time you made out with a hobo's ass, it's a lot like that."
  21. Came across this (click) awesome website. I just love this guy's use of language. A particular favourite quote: " .... this smelled like rotten eggs tucked into the anus of a dead cat". I LOL'd on a few different occasions reading his blog. Hilarious!
  22. I went through there twice today in my R34, but it wasn't me and I didn't see any carnage.
  23. Interested pending price. Won't want to pay much for such a little thing Is one of the bottom 'GT-4's supposed to read 'GT-T'? I would prefer that.
  24. Have fun John! /jealous!
  25. Wow sorry to hear - that sucks. Definitely looks like someone threw a square edge iron bar out of a moving car for that sort of damage. Lucky they didn't break your window as well I suppose, as I am sure that would have been more expensive and nastier to fix.
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