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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Saw a ton of people at Villies tonight - OMG I can't believe how many people rock up at the SAU clubrooms on a Friday night .... quite amazing really
  2. Ah crap - sorry forgot I said I was going to head down with you Luke - I completely forgot that Carolyn and I are doing a St. Johns First Aid course all day this Saturday - they are really hard to get into and we have been booked for months, so I can't change it. I could not be spewing more, as I am desperate to go for a spin in it. I will definitely be down there Saturday week though, but I am sure you don't want to wait that long to see it. Just head down on your own (oh dang you can't drive the GTR of course ). Maybe Steve will take you? Munro is normally down there after 3pm on Saturdays too.
  3. Yeah I was down the workshop today and can vouch for the potent sound of the removed resonator from the exhaust - it now sounds much angrier Took a few more pics too. Was good to catch up with Matt/Whatsisname down there too (for the youngsters: Matt is one of your old school mods who is rarely about these days).
  4. I have broken my neck in 1992 (vertebrae 2 and 3 - was paralysed and not expected to walk again), 5 fingers, my left ankle 3 times, my right ankle twice and have seriously sprained both knees a number of times. Beat that
  5. OK enough has been said. Thread locked. I will not delete it, as it has some pertinent info and discussion, but future posts will be deleted.
  6. ROFL Ash I still have 2 valuations to type yet before I go to bed .... what's your excuse for still being up?
  7. Word on the street is that this is going to be a showcase car for the fabrication and tuning work that Willall can do - and their aim is over 500rwkw! They are after everyone who buys an R35GTR to come to them for parts, tuning, service etc and will provide the highest level of technology and reliability to an already amazing platform.
  8. That sucks - sorry to hear. But I have an awesome pager alarm & 2 kill switches, yet I still put a premium Club Lock on my car if I am going to park it anywhere for longer than 5 minutes. How you could park a Skyline (at Enfield of all places) without an alarm is just beyond me. Surely your insurance won't pay since you didn't have an alarm? Just Cars were very explicit with me about no alarm = no insurance.
  9. ah yes, well then it is definitely a pic of me on the drag strip - ah those were the good old days! well then you were watching me Was always good fun since MattR and Busky2k would take out their S14s and always try to beat me (but never did). Then there were the hardcore Commo boys in their VRs and crap getting absolutely owned by myself and every other import there. I was even demolishing brand new SS Commos and Senators and the like (before the days of Donnon's twin turbo setups) who thought they were the bees knees. We even had once a private SAU drag strip day with a couple of other small clubs, and had Munro and Keir run their 9 second GTRs. I remember I blew something up on the S15 and put it in the garage, so MattR and I went up in the commentators box and got on the bourbon cans .... was an interesting day of commentating, that is for sure!
  10. Yeah mate I took the S15 out many times. Best was a 12.74 @ 110mph. I normally had either my ROH blades or R32 stockies on the rear for reference. My S15 was in HPI a few times, so could very well be it. However Kurts Wilson's S15 ran low 12s from memory and was pewter the same colour as mine, so could be a photo of his old one.
  11. Came across this on the Interweb - make me lol. An oldie, but a goodie
  12. I just voted for you about 100 times Luke .... hope you win!
  13. errr but isn't it n/a Flick?! How can u be little miss boost? lol
  14. I want Sambo to do me a top shelf respray for cheap, cheap, cheap
  15. errr good luck with getting a 'manual box' - they only come in paddle shift semi-auto ....
  16. Errrrrrr it as a soarer actually - and I think Pete was referring to the vernacular, rather than the explanation, Steve
  17. er duh my post (click)
  18. Sorry I never made it guys - got a bit caught up in the afternoon drooling over a certain R35GTR then never got ready in time to go to the meet spot Sounds like it was fun (as always)
  19. yep, this is the car that Willall Racing/Keir Wilson bought - it is currently here in Adelaide (arrived this morning). I sat in it this arvo and got some nice pics too. My Post
  20. yeah I sat in it today *tries to wipe the grin off my face* .... enjoy my pics and little vid
  21. Nah bollocks, Ben has it wrong - you have to pay income tax on investment property income just like any other income. Yes, you have deductions for interest and costs, but a the end of the day you pay tax like any other income. In fact, when you own a home for investment you generally get a worse interest rate (as it is a commercial style loan), pay higher water/land etc rates (as it is income-producing), etc etc. Imagine if no-one bought investment properties Karl - who would there be for people to rent from? We already have a MASSIVE rental housing crisis is SA (to be exacerbated in 2009 with a larger influx of immigrants) and if people did not buy rental properties there would simply be NO houses for these people to rent. As you pointed out, not everyone has the income to pay off a home loan - for many even a loan of $200k would be simply impossible to service. The plain and simple reason for the property market going up is people's greed. They borrow more and more and more money, only to bid property prices up higher and higher. That is when a prudent investor waits for the market to crash a bit, then moves in and buys properties at the right prices (muahahahahaha rubs hands together), as MIPs become more and more common (currently 20 a week in Adelaide alone atm).
  22. lol keep going Kiet - Lambo = $460k, GTR = $175k (or so - edited) Lambo = 2 x GTRs plus change.
  23. Sat in it this afternoon down at Wallall's. Absolutely amazing in every way. Didn't get to take it for a drive, but Munro and Martin Donnon went for a spin - they were simply blown away - which is a big statement from those 2 rev-heads! Hope to take it for a burn next weekend - will post more pics and videos as they come to hand. Martin is going to real-time tune the stock ECU next week, so we will see what sort of power figures she puts out pre and post-edit. Enjoy the pics! Oh, and a vid
  24. Not sure if I will make it or not, but can I please have a PM with the meet spot? Might just come to the initial meet-up point and say hi, but not even sure of that at this stage. Want to show off my sexy new front bar (even if it is still matte black)
  25. wtb: R34GTR front indicators. My new bar won't accept my GTT indicators
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