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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. ^^^^ hahaha that is hilarious. Yes, when I was in uNZed 2 years ago I had to stop myself from laughing on quite a few occasions
  2. Far out that sucks hard mate. The sad reality is that with DNA evidence etc these days, the thieves just about have to burn the car, to protect themselves from being caught Yes, as Trav said, please, please, please, please anyone who doesn't have a decent pager alarm, immobilisers, kill switches and a club lock; get one, and be careful where you park. If you can possibly avoid it do NOT park in any of the major shopping centre car parks. EVER. These occurrences make ALL of our insurance premiums that go up.
  3. lol that dude selling the yellow R34GTR is on Ebay again - it has been on there for well over 6 months - $49k for a pretty good looking condition 62,000km is not too bad methinks. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/NISSAN-GTR-R34-V-SP...1QQcmdZViewItem But still overpriced compared to what is going on in Jp at the moment. We will see how much Chef picks up his R34GTR for. Chef - I take it you don't have any spare funds that seriously if you found 2 you liked at the right price you would buy one for me (as well as 1 for yourself). I would pay you a decent service fee
  4. I take it you were at Mallala on Monday? If so, did you check out Munro's street GTR on the track - he was pulling 1:17s - keeping up with Keir in his Lambo Gallardo - unfortunately I was crook so didn't make it out there to watch.
  5. hence why I don't let any workshops touch my car - except Donnon to tune it. I have been financially hit by pretty much every big name performance workshop in the North-eastern area when I was green and modified my S15.
  6. nah Pete - this movie looks too shit for words .... the more previews I see, the more I am turned off by it. If it was Indiana Jones I would be there like Donkey Kong. If it were summer I would just come to hang around and chat, but seeing it will be 10 degrees and possibly raining, won't be any fun to stand outside imho. We will do this again with a decent movie, in decent weather I can't even remember what movie we all saw at the drive-in last time - might have been Tokyo Drift. Was good fun in warmer weather where we all stood around enjoying the sights.
  7. errrr what are the differences between the new Falcons and VE Commonwhores - they look the same, sound the same, have the same power level, and both attract bogans :G Hence why Ford have embarked on their insanely disgusting colour choices in recent years (orange, lime green, yellow, etc) - so you can tell Falcons and Commonwhores apart
  8. Nah, R33GTR suspension in an R34GTT is a very bad idea. Trust me I tried it. Whilst they physically fit, the weight of the car, and the weight distribution is dramatically different - so R33GTR coilovers in an R34GTT suck ass - trust me. I pulled them out, sold them, and bought the R34GTT SydneyKid Bilstein/Whiteline group buy.
  9. ^^^ very true Ash .... the main benefit of an alarm is that they will target another car instead of yours, as yours is too much trouble. Hence why I have a big blue flashing "Viper" thingo on my dash - yes in some ways it is bad to reveal your alarm brand to potential thieves, but even the dumbest thief couldn't miss the big blue flashing sign and the bright blue led next to the steering wheel. If they put in the 'too hard' basket and move on to the next car, then its job is done. Even if they had a go at my car, it would be a bitch for them to figure out the 3 immobilisation points, 2 kill switches and battery backup siren (not to mention the 4 piezo sirens I have hidden around the car that make your ears bleed if you are in the car and the alarm is sounding). But like Ash said, if they really want it and have enough time without being disturbed, they can steal any car. Which is important where and when you leave it unattended. Sad to say, but this is the world we live in. Unfortunately too the old protection that Stags used to offer (being station wagon sleepers) seems to have worn off, as it would seem the crooks have figured out how cool/fast these cars are and have started stealing them.
  10. yeah cmon guys - the ex-owner has come on here and explained he is legit. The car was stolen without an alarm or club lock, from one of the stolen car hot spots of Adelaide. You are pretty much begging to have your car stolen if you have no alarm at Marion, Tea Tree Plaza, Hollywood Plaza, Elizabeth City Centre, Colonnaides etc etc
  11. errrr you went to JB Hifi to buy a car alarm? Good work on the secure parking at home, but it was Marion (which is pretty much number 1 car stealing shopping centre in SA fyi) that let you down. I guess you have learnt your lesson - hopefully others can too from your bad experience. If the government had half a brain they would make car alarms compulsory prior to registration - that would fix lots of problems. Also, good luck claiming on your insurance .... hope it works out for you, but I bet it doesn't. If you hadn't even paid your premium yet, and didn't have an alarm, you may be in a fair bit of trouble. Has the car turned up yet? Seems almost none do these days
  12. 17's are standard on R34s, so 18" is definitely no problems. FYI you will have a tyre placard sticker in your drivers side door-well for next time (if you don't have one Regency will fail you purely on this fact).
  13. sucks to hear man. I've said this a thousand times before DON'T LET YOUR CAR LEAVE A LOCK-UP GARAGE WITHOUT AN ALARM oh, and if you parked your car at Marion without an alarm or at least a club lock, then you have rocks in your head. On the extremely rare occasion I am forced to park my car in a public carpark, I use my club lock, pager alarm, 2 kill swtiches, and have been known to pop my bonnet and remove the fuel pump fuse too. Hope these guys get caught and get what is coming to them - hopefully from RubyRS4, not the cops fyi my neighbour's white Jap Spec S15 was stolen out of his driveway about a month ago - fresh off the boat - no compliance = no insurance. Bu the idiot left it parked in his driveway for over a week with no alarm, no club lock, no anything. That is INSANE.
  14. Check out this video of sex on wheels ....
  15. yeah mine actually cycles every 5 minutes, as I get bored easily I have about 30 faves Yes, I like my happy place too
  16. my happy place
  17. you need a bleed valve or electronic boost controller (a bleed valve is a type of manual boost controller). Unless you have an accurate boost gauge (the factory one is NOT), and some decent mechanical knowledge (which, no offense sounds like you don't), take it to a workshop and get them put in a device for you and set it up.
  18. hehe true .... hey Chef when you are in Jp buying your R34GTR, if you find a 2nd one at the right price, just buy it for me and I will fix you up later for it
  19. at 16psi the turbo wouldn't last long. The HPI demo R34 had their turbo go at 12psi at a track day. But they are even weaker than R33/R32 turbos, as they have a nylon impeller
  20. Mike at MV automatics Blackwood is the man. K&A Race Engineering at Green Fields also do boxes. I think they are PPG dogbox and gearset distributors
  21. dang I will be in Melbourne for some footy and poker. Is anyone else old-school enough that went on the Friday the 13th cruise to the old cemetery out far North? That was a bit freaky.
  22. sucks to hear Simon. Important thing is that you weren't injured though. Still gotta get you to fit my water pump one of these days .... my temp is not a problem in winter-time, so no great hurry.
  23. Our wives let us go to nudie bars here when ever we want They don't care!
  24. yeah it's a boys trip .... but will be no shenanigans .... just poker, poker, see the sights, New York New York roller coasters, poker, poker, Stratosphere roller coasters/rides, poker, poker, nudie bars, poker poker, blackjack in the pool bar at the Hard Rock, poker, poker, poker :)
  25. Chops and I are doing a Vegas trip later this year if any of you guys want to tag along
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