Following on from Guy's thread, this is a reminder that the SAU:SA blood drive is THIS Thursday at Pelican Plaza, 1007 North East Road, Ridgehaven
Pelican Plaza Blood Bank
Whether you have donated before or not, come along and help others! We are in the most likely percentile of individuals that may have an accident and need blood, and there is a mega shortage of blood at the moment, so come along and give, give, give.
While you are there you get the run of their very well stocked fridge including fruit juices, Farmers Union iced coffee, sandwiches, rolls, chocolates, etc etc. There is a Hungry Jacks, Noodle House and Indian Restaurant in the centre if we want to get something to eat afterwards.
For those new to giving, you MUST drink at least 3 big glasses of WATER in the 3 hours prior to giving, otherwise you may get some minor headspins and may suffer nausea. If you have had a good litre of water/drink and something to eat prior, you will have no problems at all.
We have a group appointment for 4pm-6/6:30pm, and I think they close around 7:45pm, so plenty of time for everyone!
It doesn't cost anything, and could save someone's life. Even if you are ineligible to give blood, come along and show your support and say hello.