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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. errr decent 2nd hand HKS turbo $1,500 = decent 2nd hand stocker $300 (but why bother) decent exhaust manifold $500 - stocker $150 (but why bother) blow-off valve $200 Walbro fuel pump $200 Injectors $750 JustJap/ISC Intercooler $300 labour $1,000 MINIMUM cheapest piggyback ECU Apexi SAFCII $400 - preferred PowerFC $1,200 tune $400 sorry mate, can't see you getting out of it for $1,500
  2. ^^^ I agree Pete - but note that a reasonable chunk of the current $100,000 per year to house prisoners is the great quality food, computers, TV and all other luxuries they enjoy. Take these away and it would no doubt be much cheaper. Also smaller cells = jam more prisoners in. It would be a slow(ish) process, but once would-be criminals find out how harsh my proposed jails would be, many would not commit the crimes for fear of the harsh punishment quality and duration. Yes, public floggings is an awesome idea. I have been spruking the cutting off of a finger punishment as implemented in some Middle-eastern countries, but that may be a bit harsh. Public humiliation and flogging would work a treat.
  3. ^^^^ easy solution: 1) Make jails MUCH, MUCH more uncomfortable - they are relative havens of luxury now, compared with how some people live. Once you have committed and been convicted of a crime, you lose your right to any luxury. No bed mattresses or pillows, 6' x 6' single occupant cell, 1 hour exercise a day, basic meals in cell, no socialising with other prisoners except in the exercise yard, NO internet, NO TV or other entertainment. Take away ALL their basic rights except food and a little exercise. Once someone has been to jail he will NEVER want to go back, and will think hard about this before re-committing once let out. 2) triple the punishment for all crimes and widely publicise this. Crime = punishment - no more suspended sentences - PUNISH THEM 3) equal penalties for all races - the gang of 69 being a prime example. They keep being let off, only to commit more and more crimes, being more and more brazen. Race is no excuse for crimes - you always have a choice. The only people to suffer if we do these things are criminals. Sooner or later they will wake up and actually be deterred by actually being punished, rather than the pathetically lax system we have at the moment.
  4. BUMP - in conjunction with my new post
  5. Beer is mostly water - why not?
  6. Nightcrawler

    R35 Jokes

    ^^^ how much do you want for the Millenium Jade Nur Tim?
  7. Fri 23rd sounds good to me!
  8. Your '5 year warranty' isn't worth the paper it is written on. When you go to claim, they will never pay, and say it is normal wear and tear, or you have abused the car. Service it yourself - it could not be easier.
  9. Following on from Guy's thread, this is a reminder that the SAU:SA blood drive is THIS Thursday at Pelican Plaza, 1007 North East Road, Ridgehaven Pelican Plaza Blood Bank Whether you have donated before or not, come along and help others! We are in the most likely percentile of individuals that may have an accident and need blood, and there is a mega shortage of blood at the moment, so come along and give, give, give. While you are there you get the run of their very well stocked fridge including fruit juices, Farmers Union iced coffee, sandwiches, rolls, chocolates, etc etc. There is a Hungry Jacks, Noodle House and Indian Restaurant in the centre if we want to get something to eat afterwards. For those new to giving, you MUST drink at least 3 big glasses of WATER in the 3 hours prior to giving, otherwise you may get some minor headspins and may suffer nausea. If you have had a good litre of water/drink and something to eat prior, you will have no problems at all. We have a group appointment for 4pm-6/6:30pm, and I think they close around 7:45pm, so plenty of time for everyone! It doesn't cost anything, and could save someone's life. Even if you are ineligible to give blood, come along and show your support and say hello.
  10. 31 .... I can't believe how many interstate lurkers we have here
  11. just now spotted a freshly written off silver R33GTst with blinging chrome rims on Bridge Road, Ingle Farm. I can't even imagine how the accident happened, but a Suzuki Swift on the other side of the median strip had the drivers side front end and door caved in, and I had limited view of the R33, but the drivers side rear wheel was fuxored big time. No idea how/why they were on opposite sides of the median strip. Cops, ambos and fire engines everywhere - quite nasty.
  12. What I really want is just a consult cable that has Video out RCA on the other end, with rom software to display all the important readings similar to the 8 line display of a factory R34GTR console. Then I could just plug it into the aux-in of my double din DVD player and I would be done. I wish someone would make a device like this - quite easy to do! Are you able to do something like this NewKleer?
  13. there is a place out at Green Fields - cheapest and best around. Do some chasing around and you will find him.
  14. you know I am up for it mate! haha yes, as Nick reiterated I have suggest this before. Little runty fellas like Nick and MattR get in and rape us fat blokes - those little engines don't produce enough torque to get us fatties going again when we slow down. Yep agree on the 3 driver change Grand Prix format at Richmond - it is heaps of fun!
  15. Ah crap Jared that sucks! So they ripped out your Blitz? Damn you must be heartbroken. Did your alarm go off? Whenever my warning pager goes off in my pocket to say someone is within 3 feet of my car I run to it in the hope of catching one of the bastards - and yes I also will make sure they don't leave the scene walking when I catch one.
  16. That pic really goes to show how much makeup can do for a chick. Us ugly blokes can do nothing, yet any ugly chick can slap some tasteful makeup on and become a bit of a stunner. I still wub Jen though
  17. hahah true .... but until my wife looks a lot worse than Rosanna I will take a big pass
  18. Standard is round 400 believe it or not - the gap between wheel and guard is like a 4wd patrol. Looks shocking. 340 is very low anyhow - you would scrape your front bar on everything (like I do).
  19. After looking at that pic I need a bucket .... she is ewwww .... when we can look up pics of Jen Hawkins, Caprice Bourret, Jessica Alba and thousands of other super hotties, one shouldn't waste bandwidth on the likes of this hog
  20. haha yeah my inner drivers side brake light has been playing up on and off for a while. I had a copper behind me at the McIntyre lights and as I glanced in my rear vision mirror I noticed one of the cops point at the rear of my car. Luckily they turned off onto Kelly Road, and I went ahead. Got out and sure enough my light was out. It was only duskish, but I had my lights on anyhow, but they obviously didn't care too much. I must pull it apart and clean the connection so I am not unlucky next time.
  21. sorry mate, we are going up to Waikerie again since the fishing was so hot at Easter. Have fun anyhow.
  22. why are you selling the monitor if it was used for 1 hour?
  23. how well does it pick up tv channels?
  24. Does their website not work properly, or am I too dumb to use it? When I click on the any of the links on the left they open nothing. How much did the R34GTR bar cost you Kiet?
  25. the new site is very cool. We are heading to Waikerie again next weekend - hopefully to catch another 2kg Callop like at Easter
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